Page 498 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
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428                          INDEX
             Trucial Shaikhdoms—contd.         and Iraqi threat to Kuwait, 251;
               General Treaty of Peace 1820, 5 f, 26   Memorandum on Regime of High
               Perpetual Treaty of Peace 1853, 5,   Seas, 299
                 26n                         United States of America: treaty with
               Exclusive Agreement 1892,5,29, 366   Muscat, 56 f; consulate in Kuwait,
               Agreement on arms trade suppres­  77; independence, 183; proclamation
                 sion 1902, 30                 on offshore areas, 278
               Agreement on pearling and sponge   ’Uqair Convention 1922, 265 f, 273,
                 concessions 1911, 30          317-18
               Undertaking concerning oil exploita­  ’Utubi Arabs, 36, 167, 182
                 tion 1922,30
             Trucial States Council, and Develop­  Violet line, 199, 201, 220, 228n, 237
               ment Office, 17
             Tunisia, 63, 65, 77, 85, 131, 157   Wade, E. C. S., 81
             Turkey, 33, 45; claims in Bahrain, 34,   Wahhabi Arabs, 25, 36, 71; House of
               172 f, in Qatar, 37, in Kuwait, 41,   Sa’ud, 196n; collection of tribute,
               43, 250, 252-3; control over Hasa,   211
               212, 217; see Anglo-Turkish Con­  Waldock, C. H. M., 222 f, 225
               ventions                      Waterfield, Gordon, 88
             Turki ibn ’Utaishan, Amir, 202, 221  Westlake, J., 61,63 f, 181
                                             Wheaton, E., 95
             Umm al-Maradim, 271 ff, 296 ff   Williams, Sir John Fischer, 181
             Umm Shaif oilfield, 301         Wright, Quincy, 246
             Union Oil of California and Southern
               Gas, 302                      Yemen, 219, 227
             United Arab Republic, 96        Young, Richard, 204n, 280, 287
             United Nations: membership of Gulf   Yusuf Yasin, Shaikh, 203, 205, 233n
               States, 41, 151-6, 161-4, 251; Ad
               Hoc Committee on Oman, 54, 67n,   zakah, 201, 207, 217, 223, 226
               68n, 69 f, 158n, 159n, 160 f, 245n,   Zanzibar, 49, 55, 82
               247; registration of treaties, 86;   Zayid ibn Sultan, Shaikh of Abu
               settlement of disputes between Gulf   Dhabi, 18n
               States and Britain, 156-61; fact­  Zubarah, 3 f, 36 f, 167, 182, 247-9, 302
               finding mission in Buraimi, 206-7;  Zwemer, Samuel, 214
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