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INDEX                       425
            Kuwait—contd.                 Longrigg, S. H.,215
              isations, 76, 112-14, in Arab League, Lubainah islands, 308 f       ;
              77, 95n, 250 f, in OPEC, 77, in Luce, Sir William, 250
              GATT, 110-11; treaty making  Lushington, Dr, 117-18
              capacity, 99n; nationality laws,                                    |
              125-6; Israel Boycott Office, 140; MaeGibbon, I. C., 192
              boundaries, 219; Turkish and Iraqi Majlis al-Tijahar, 16            i
              sovereignty, 250-7; financial agree- Malay, Federated and unfedcratcd
              ment with Iraq, 252; offshore areas,  states of, 63, 82, IIS
              278; territorial sea, 281;  Maritime Truce of 1835, 26n, 36, 3S
              —Treaties:                  McNair, Lord, 86, 93 f, 100 f, 118, 145
              Agreement with Britain 1899, 3, 40, Meade, M. J., 42 f
                42, 74, 250, 253, 375-6   Mccom, J. W., 301
              Agreements on arms trade 1900, 44 Mervyn Jones, H., 127
              Agreements on post office establish- Mesopotamia, 255, see Iraq
                ment 1904, and installation of Miles, Col., 214
                telegraph 1912,44         mineral concessions, 73
              Kuwait Najd Boundary (Uqair)  Morocco, 63,65 f, 77,79n, 84 f, 131,157
                Convention 1922, 265 f, 273,369   Mouton, M. W., 282 f, 286, 299
                370                        Mubarak ibn Sabah Al-Sabah, Shaikh,
              Exchange of Letters with Britain   3,41-2, 250, 253
                1923, 256                  Muhammad Al-Khalifah, Shaikh, 33,
              Exchange of Letters with Iraq 1932,   34n, 169, 171 fT, 174
                256                        Muhammad ibn Thani, Shaikh, 36
              Treaties of Friendship, Trade and   Muhammarah, Treaty of, 1922, 265n
                Extradition with Saudi Arabia   Muscat: political evolution, 2f; gov­
                1942, 103-4, 270            ernment and judicial systems, 18-19;
              Exchange of Notes with Britain^on   Arms Warehouse, 38; British govern­
                independence 1961, 40, 250,374-   ment relations, 47 ff, 67-8; non­
                375                         alienation of territory, 48, 50; dhows
  i           Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Agreement on   conflict^5J^~iQ^ej)cndcnt status, 67-
                Neutral Zone partition 1965, 273-   70; treaty rnaking^-capacity, 9S;
                277, 324-8                  right to declare war, 119; passports,
            Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone,   128; international responsibility,
              264-77; natural resources exploita­  132; extra-territorial jurisdiction in,
              tion, 266 fT, 274 f, 277, 294, 296;   134; dispute with Oman, 157, 160;
              conclusion of individual treaties,   membership of U.N., 162; conces­  I
              269 f; jurisdiction, 270, administra­  sions to Iraq Petroleum Co., 196;   :
              tion, 271-3; division, 273    Buraimi Oasis dispute, 207, 214-15,     I
             Kuwait Oil Company, 281        221, 237 f; British obligations to      :
  i         Kuwait Shell Company, 291       Sultan, 244 ff                          !
  i                                         —Treaties:
  i         Lahej dispute, 96-7, 98; Treaty with   Treaty of Friendship with Britain
              Britain, 93, 97                 1798, 47                              !
             Lansdowne, Lord, 6             Agreements of 1822 and 1845 on
             Lausanne, Treaty of, 1923, 255   suppression of slave trade, 47, 6S    ;
             Lauterpacht, E., 246           Treaty of Commerce 1839, 115
             Lauterpacht, H., 85, 101, 183, 185,   Treaty of Commerce (with France)
              192                             1844, 50,51-2, 55
             League of Nations: registration of   Anglo-French Declaration on inde­
              treaties, 87; Persian protest over   pendence of Muscat and Zanzibar
              Bahrain, 192; admission of Iraq, 254   1862, 49 ff, 67
             Liebesny, H. J., 91            Declaration for Development of
             Lloyd, Sclwyn, 245               Commercial Relations with Noth-
             London Conference of 1951, 198, 201  erlands 1877, 55
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