Page 496 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 496
244-7; Ad Hoc Committee on, see
Agreement on non-alienation of ter United Nations
ritory 1891,48, 50,69, 98 Omani Revolt, 157
Agreement on coalfield concessions Oppenheim, L., 63 f, 92 f, 99, 120, 140,
1902, 4S, 69 179 f, 227
Treaty of Sib 1920, 158, 241-4,367- optional clause in favour of Shaikh-
368 doms, 142 f
Agreement on oil concessions 1923, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting
49, 69, 70 Countries (OPEC), 77
Treaty of Friendship . . . with Brit Ormsby Gore, 189
ain 1951, 47, 52-3, 84, 115
Treaty of Friendship . . . with India Pacific Western Corporation, 267
1953, 55 Padwa, D. J., 286, 288, 299
Exchange of Letters concerning Pan-American Petroleum Corporation
Muscat armed forces 1958, 54 290
Treaty of Amity . . . with U.S.A. paramountcy, 82
1958, 56 passports, 127-8
Peace, G. L., 16n
Nasser, President, 96 pearling, 26, 30, 280; Qatar, 37 f;
National Iranian Oil Company Kuwait, 44; Bahrain, 167
(NIOC), 290, 292 Pelly, C. J., 248
nationality of protected persons, 65 f, Pelly, Col Lewis, 36, 173n, 174, 224n,
140-1; of inhabitants of Gulf States, 261
122 ff; and Persian claim to Bahrain, Perpetual Treaty of Peace 1853, 5, 26n,
195 78
natural resources, 44, 62, 278 ff, 287 Persia, 33; title to Bahrain, 34, 167-95;
Netherlands, 55, 157 protest on Treaty of Jiddah, 176;
neutral zone: see Kuwait-Saudi Arabia offshore area and territorial sea, 279-
Neutral Zone 281; claim to islands, 305; Offshore
New Hebrides, 266n, 270 Boundary Agreement with Saudi
Nu’aim tribe, 208, 211, 214 ff, 217, Arabia 1965, 310-11
221, 248 Petroleum Development (Trucial
Nuri Pasha al-Said, 256 Coast) Ltd, 284
Philby, H.St J. B., 218, 234 f
offshore boundaries, 288; median line, piracy, suppression of, 5,25-32passim,
306 f; baselines, 288-90, 306; equi 38,71
distance, 288 Poland, 85
Offshore Boundary Agreement, Bah- Portuguese influence in Arabian Gulf,
rain-Saudi Arabia, 1958, 306-11 5; government of Bahrain, 167
Offshore Boundary Agreement, Iran- post office installation, 35, 39, 44
Saudi Arabia 1965, 310-11 prescription, 184-6, 191-2, 220, 223
oil companies and delimitation of state protected states, 81, 89, 99 ff, 145 ff,
boundaries, 261 149-50, 156-61
oil concessions, 196, 243, 267-70, 274, protectorates, 7, 61-5, 107
294, 296 ff; overlapping, 268, 292 f,
302, 310; negotiation on disputes, Qaru, 271 ff, 296 ff
294-5, 305-6 Qatar: Turkish suzerainty, 4; admini
oilfields: problem of capture, 298- stration and judicial systems, 12-15;
300 British government relations, 36 ff;
Oil Rivers Chiefs, Nigeria, 89 independence, 36; membership of
Oman: Imamate, 2, 158, 239; coal international organisations, 76, of
deposits, 48, 69, 240; sovereignty Arab League, 77, of OPEC, 77n;
dispute, 157-61, 239-47; promon nationality laws, 125; oil conces
tory, 208; independence of Inner, sions, 196, 301; boundary problems,
242-3; British armed intervention in, 196, 219, 261-3, 302-3; Zubarah