Page 139 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 139


                                         CN TUZ
                 TRADE OF .MUSCAT FOR TEE YEAR 1912-13


        Introduction.—Muscat is the capita] and the   Weightx and ifearuret.—There are two different
      principal port of the Sultanate of Omit;, which   kinds of these—one for the Sultan’s^Customs, and
      comprises a portion of the sonth-eastern coast of   the other for retail bazaar use
      Arabia up to tfce entrance to the Persian Gulf.
        3Iascai is the only port of call for steamers in   I.—Those used by the Sultan's Customs
      Oman, but as the town lies at the end of a cove   are:—
      surroanded by ho^e reeky hills, it has no means of   1 Kias = $ 6 or 5*9375 ozs.
      communication with the interior. The neighbour­  1 Muscat maund = §144 or 2; kias or 3
      ing town of Matrah, about 2 miles up ;he coast,   lbs. l4£ ozs.
      supplies this want, and is the local centre for   10 Muscat maunds = 1 Parsala.
      trade with the interior.
        Currency.—The currency of the country is the   200 Muscat caaunds = 1 Bahr.
      Maria Theresa dollar and the debased ccpper coin   There is yet another weight also called cf Bahr ''
      minted in 1895 to the order of His Highness the   and is equal to 400 Muscat maunds. This weight
      Saltan, Sovereigns and British Indian coins are   i3 exclusively used for weighing salt
      also current in Muscat and Matrah. In the inte­  2. Bazaar weights are :—
      rior these coins are exchanged at a discount.  1 Kias = §5*71 or 5*67 ozs.
        Trade accounts are kept in Mohamadis and Gaj,   21 kias or §137 or 8 lbs. 8 ozs. = 1
      imaginary coins. There are two kinds of Moha­  maund of Muscat.
      madis—black and white. Elack 20^ = 1 dollar
      and white 111 = 1 dollar. The white u nsed in   With the excepti on of rice, which is sold in kags,
      wholesale trade accounts and the black for fruits,   all cereals are sold by “ palli ” and ‘* farrah "
      vegetables, etc. 3Iost Hand's from India show   (wooden bowels).
      their face value in Mohamadis and not in rupees.
                                                   40 pallis = 1 farrah.
             20 Gaj = 1 MobanadL                   20 farrahs = 1 khandi.
             111 Mohamadis = 1 dollar.        When measuring in K palliM the measure is
             100 Mohamadis = 1 toman.       heaped up.
        The rate of exchange between the Maria Theresa   The Indian rupee is taken as one tola and is
      dollar and the rupee varied from Rs. 111-8-0 to   used for weighing perfumeries. The weight of .»
      Rs. 152 per 100 dollars, the lowest being in April   Maria Theresa dollar is called “ whoogiah ** and is
      and the highest in October.           chiefly used in weighing “ amber”.
        The following table gives the average rates rul­  6   = 1 rupee weight.
      ing in the local market in each month for the past   8 miskals = § 1 weight.
      three years:—
                                              Ifeatvret.—l Shibr = 1 palm or 4)*. 4 thraahs
                                            = 1 fathom.
           Monlb.    1910-11  1911-12  1912-11     2 Shibirs = \ thraah or 9*.  1 ba'ab =
                                                       1 fathom.
                                                   1  thraah = T6".  1 ba’ah = 4 thraah
                       Ea.    Rj.     R*.             or 1 fathom.
                                                   2  thraah = 1 yard.
      April •          132 J  1324   141
      May j,,          132)   137- ■  141 1   An/*.—In all transactions the measure “Thraah”
      June ,           135*   141    143    is used.
      July ,           137*   143    146
      August .         1331-5  143;  149
      September        132*   142    147      Population.—The population of Muscat is esti­
      Ociobtr          133*   140     ICO   mated at about 10,000 persons and that of Matrah
      November         133)   139;    151)  at about 14,000. No regular census has ever been
      December         133;   141     149   taken. Neither of these towns make any pretence
      January          134*   141     152
       February        134)   142     147   of sanitation. Muscat presents a picturesque ap-f
       March .         134*   142|    145   pearanco from the sea, but the interior of the
                                            town is, for the most part, mean and squalid.
               235 F. D,
   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144