Page 140 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 140
Mafruh is, if anyt!.ircr, wono than Mc;*.-ut. The wheeled traffic exists in the country, locomotion
interior of Oman is mount 'd .'ions an d the inlud,:- being by menus of ta..i:l? and don:-.* vs by In-,.;
tants, for t’:c most j irt, are \»: or. The {. :pu! alien and co :i:ry craft by cu. The int .->r is mua !.
is estimate*! at about 5,0«i/0J of wLjci a con- in an condition and travelling witlioui ’a
siderablc portion is nomadic. large escort is danger jus.
Public health.—Although Muscat is frequently Tolar-1fade.—The total volume cf trade drr
described as one of the hottest towns in the world, during the year under report amounted to Kvy
it cannot be said to be unhealthy. During the 1,14,75,420, as against Its. 1,03,75,000 of th;
year 1012-13, the highest temixiraturc reoorde<l previous year, showing a nett increase cf
was 114° fihrenheit and the lowest 6V*. The Its. 10,99,820 as against the increase of it?,
high temrcraturcs are due to the het winds, 3,92,850 of the last year or 106o/o. Tht*?
which at certain times in the summer months, fignres include statistics of the beggalow homo
aud generally only for a few hours at night, trade amounting to Rs. 4,02,90 3 as against
blow from the Arabian deserts and barren rocks Rs. 7,47,110 of the previous year showing a
round Muscat. For the greater part of the decline cf Its. 2,7S,20S or 37°/0. This decline
summer, owing to the high s**atc of humidity of gives an entirely wrong impression, unless it is
the atmosphere in oomUn.alion with a high remembired that Rs. 3,15,000 of “tar silver"
temperature the climate u very trying. From which was smuggled into India through the Cu'h
November till the middle cr end of March, the States list year, did not, this year, appear in the
whether is distinctly pleasant but fails to be returns on the export 6idc, as smuggling had
bracing as the temperature seldom falls below 00° apparc-n:ly ceased to pay. Legitimate trade by
Fahrenheit. The rainfall averages 4 inches only means of sailing vessels rose from Rs. 4,02.116
and it is dne to this fact that Muscat may be last yesr to Rs. 4.22,003 this year showing the
considered a fairly healthy tropical port, provided slight increase of Rs. 22,800 approximately
ordinary precautions are aaken to purify the or 50/o.
drinking water by boiling or filtration, and to ^are 0f trade.—'The following shows the*
protc-efc one-elf from mosqaitocs which, daring the percent'.ge of the total trade taken by e-a^h
winter me nths, are nu mere as in the town and the country.3 It will be noticed that India as n*:a!
cause of a considerable amount obmahrii amonzst sto0(i ^.st an(] iic.<l handled almost half the trade,
natives. There were no czs=*s of cbokra, small- Belgium stands second in rank aud United
pox or plague during the y ear, and only a few Kingdcm third,
cases of dysentery and enteric fever, amongst the
native population.
Agriculture.—The majority of the settled in Ntmeof country. IjOfOft. Export. Total.
habitants live by agriculture of which date
cultivation is the principal form, but the moun
tainous and arid nature of the country docs not Aden 4.42.779 73,421 5.10,200 11
lend itself to remunerative agriculture and the 52.540 8,02,500 7-13
quarrelsome nature of the tribesmen docs not Arab covst 8.50,306
encourage modern methods. Bclgioa 15,15.303 15,15,308 102i.*
Government.—The Government of Oman is France . 9,994 9,904 •19
absedute and somewhat primitive. There are no
law courts in the Earop-?an sense, cases are Germany . 1,09.303 26,000 1,35,393 115
usually decided by the Sultan and his Walis 32,1L,578 24,31,227 55,42,805
(Governors) in accordance with Mahomcdan law India
or local usage. Commercial law does not exist Persia 45,110 3,91,671 4,36,781 i SI
and claims against Arab subjects are difficult to Port Said 1,501 1,901 C3
Language.—The language of the country is Ruer.» . 715 715 •Ci
Arabic; many persons in Muscat and MatTah Sweden . 34,653 34.C68 so
speak Persian, Baluchi and Hindustani. Business 124
communications can, however, be seat in English. Turkey io Asia. 52,821 88.021 1,40,812
The post and telegraph offices at Muscat (the only UniUd Kinglom 13,53,813 75 13,99,803 12-221
one® in Oman) have been established by the
Indian Government U. S. America , 75,283 4,99,610 5,75,898 5-04
Cuttomt Adir.ini tlraticn-—The custom® are Zanzilar . 1,78,148 1,78,148 -27
managed by His IIighn«= the Sultan through a Other countries. 31,394 31,394 155
paid Superintendent, a British Indian subject lv-3-0
An import duty, not exceeding 5 per cent, ad Total 69,53,2**3 45,22,163 1,14,75,426
valorem, is levied by His Highness and this can
be paid in kind when there is any dispute about Inporlt. (Stem slnps).—Tbetota.1 valoetfim-
the value. No export duty of any kind is ports for the year amounted to Rs. 09,00,-00
leviable or paid by more hints except an internal against Rs. 00,19,890 of the previous year show*
transit duty of 0 per cent, on dates, which is iug a respectable increase of over J laku6 nip »
recovered from the owners of the produce. The (Its. 9,32,1031 or 10 per cent. A glance at the im
tending arrangements Lave remained the same as port returns will show that legitimate import tra^
in the test year in the bands of the company of (from which we exclude “ bar silver and ax«nj
four Arab merchant®. Complaints of pilfering, and ammunition") ha® made a fair
however, are fitill heard occasionally.
per cent approximately, increases in certain 1 *■
Roadi and eommuniationt.—Tie remarks made being counterbalanced by decreases w 0
in the report for 1909-10 still LoM good. No Thus "arms and ammunition” show an men; r