Page 142 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
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                 competing with llio c-ils «. f the Standard Oil     EXPORT.
                  Sugar.—Th're is a readable ir.crease under   Total export for the year amounts to IK-|f»,22 IflS
                 soft iiigar of Its. 91,6*8. It is all Java sugar   •v> against I*s. 13,55,816 <.f the previous
                 and is imported from India. No loaf sugar was   showing a nett increase cf Ks. 1,00,307 or 3* -Cr
                 imported during the year for reasons unknown hut   cent. The exports by stcarn vessels have iim.rired
                 is just possible that loaf sugar was shown as sugar   to the extent of Its. 5,4V, 179 or 13 yve cent, over
                 in the steamer manifests. It appears that loaf   last year's figures;on the other hand the export by
                 sugar used ti be smuggled into Persia by Persian   ending vessels has suffered a los3 of Its. 3,7.x ’.22
                 array  buyers who no longer visit Muscat in  cou-  or 72 per cent. Tliis large drop w entirely arrxin-
                 sequence of the establishment of the arms ware­  ted for by the loss suffered under “bar silv-r"
                 house and the demand for loaf sugar has there­  the export of which has amounted to Its. VO 000
                fore ceased.                           only as against Rs. 3,85,000 of the previous Vcar
                                                       or roughly about SC per cent. Measures taken to
                  Vermicelli.—Imports under this head have im­  check smuggling “ bar silver " seem to have had
                proved and the year's imports amount to Its. 10,119   a very good effect on the whole.
                as against Rs. 5,030 of the previous year showing
                 an increase cf Its. 11,089 or 320 percent. Most of   Arms and Ammunition.—The export of the rear
                what appears in these returns was imported from   has amounted to Rs. 5,09,321 as against
                Aden. It is Austrian produce and is consumcrd   Rs. 6-1,612 of the previous year. What appears
                partly in Oman aod partly smuggled to Persian   in these returns represents the value of arms and
                porta.                                ammunition legitimately eiportcd.
                  JVines end Spirits.—Imports are more or less   Wheat.—Tti3 ehowsa falling off of Rs.8,*S5or
                                                      SO per cent. The reason is that no wheat  tame
                stationary and require no remarks.
                                                      from Persia and all that came Into Muscat  was
                  Cotton Gzods.—Imports under this head have   from India.
                considerably improved and show the large increase   Dry sardines and dry fsi.—The trade ha? made
                of Rs. 3,33,064 or 45 per cent. The total import   further progress and Muscat was
                of the year of cotton goods has amounted to                    able to export
                Rs. 10,27,$04 as against Rs. 6,94,340 of the   Rs. 17,067 or 38 per ceat worth of more dry
                                                      sardines than in the last year. The entire export
                previous year. India has supplied-Muscat with   has been to India.
                goods worth Rs. 5,3S,104, Aden haj sent
                Rs. 3,32,600. The latter represents mostly   Dry fish has also made great improvement.
                American sheeting. The United Kingdom has   The year’s export has amounted to Rs. 47,671
                sent Rs. 1,27,700 worth. Merchants save on   and shows the increase of Rs. 43,303 or 993 per
                freight by getting their goods from Aden.  cent. Most of what appears in these returns
                  Silk and Silk Goods.—These have improved   was exported to Colombo. The fish trade is in the
                                                      hands of an Indian firm who seem to have handled
                slightly and show an increase of Rs. 2,710 or   it with advantage.
                about 7 per cent.
                  Twist and Tarns.—Imports under this head*   Dry dales.—The export for the year amc anted
                both under steam ships and sailing vessels, show   to Rs. 6,09,900 as against Rs. 8,25,997 of the
                a slight combined increase of Rs. 12,700 or 6 per   previous year, showing a loss of Rs. 2,16,097 or
                cent. There is an increase in the local manufac­  26 per cent. The supply of dates forthcoming
                ture of cotton goods as will be seen later which   was less than the previous year. In the beginning
                accounts for this increase.           of the season the prices were very favourable.
                                                      Merchants brought op and shipped large stocks,
                  Cigarettes.—The import of cigarettes show an   tot before the goods reached Bombay prices had
                increase of Rs. 9,G75 or 118 per cent. These are   gone down. later, prices again rcee.
                “ Capstan cigarettes" which are largely supplied
               to ships-                                Wet dales.—America has taken her usual quota
                 Snujf.—This shows a respectable increase of   and stands first. The year's transactions show
                Rs. 15,530 or 2,100 per cent It is imported from   an increase of Rs. 70,452 or 8 per cent
               India and is consumed largely by the negro   only over last year’s figures. The date crop
               population for chewing.                was said to have been small but very good
                                                      and fetched good prices. As has already been
                 Box Boards.—There is a marked decrease of   noticed elsewhere one of the exporting houses
                Re. 65,618 or 57 per cent The reason given is   who usually packed largo amount of dates for
               that one of the exporting houses in Muscat did   America was disappointed this year, as their
               not pack dates for America acting under instruc­  American Agents advised them not to pick for
               tions from their American friends. They were,   them. The firm's stock was bought up by
               however, able to dispose of their stock of datos to   another firm and Bdtsequently exported.
               another firm iu Muscat and yet make a handsome
               profit                                  Dry limes.—This item shows the large increase
                 The following items under “ Imports by Sailing   of Rs. 12,960 or 14 per cent. The yearti export
               Vessels" show an increased import to the extent of   amounted to Rs. 1,00,950 aa against Ri. 87,990
               Hi. 35,960                             of the last year. Meet of what appears in these
                                     R«.              returns was sent to Persia and Turkej in Asia
                  Oil of all kinds   • 17,887 6r 38 pee cant.   where they use them in flavouring curries.
                  Suitu (Soft)   .   7,98)  ^  49  „  *
                  Co’.un good*   .   8.66)  „ 60  „  „  Pomegranates.—The export for the jear has
                  Twiit and y&ne .  .  11,939  „  84  „  „  amounted to Rs. Rs. 56,199 as against Rs. 73,739
                  BuiMing roatcruU  .   9,61J  „  64  „  *  showing a falling off of Rs. 17,540 or 23 per cent.
                 The reasons for fhesc increases are same as   Last year's figures were unusual and the exporter
               those given ou tic side of the “ Imports by Steam   suffered considerable Icsbci ac<1 this year's figures
               Ships."                                approach more nearly the normal.
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