Page 141 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 141

                                              Bice.—There is x Urge decrease of nearly 2$
      r0rtl..- profits. 9,5*,076 or £3 per from i        cent. ul-1 r this head.
      width re t be deducted the c* .rrer-pnor.g de-   h'vlis of rupees or -0 per   .
      cns»«c cf Ks. 3,72,1)9 or 86 jer cent under the   T'-.e reason given is t at prices have riled Irgh in
      head" c f ‘ bar rilvcr The «<»:* g:c>. 'osUv   la lia and prohibit'd largo import?. An additional
                                            r...?o:i given is that t:. to was a goacly balance in
      (hat ILeii.crcaac iu l-.-uritur.ate tr-vleifi 1*5. 4,-* 1,100
         tc til import trace or lact year, (aft. r exclud-   land of last year’s fl-.uks which enailed merchant!
      on a                                  to satisfy the local demands.
      ir.g " arms  and a mm unit ion 77 ac.d u bar silver7 )
      of Ks. 37,93,871.                       Wheat.—There h 3n enormous increase under
        The fvllowing itenu under the bead ,c Imports7*   this head of Its. SI,020 or 2,577 per cent For­
      show au increase.                     merly Muscat obtained its supply of wheat from
                                B*.         Persia through Kuwait merchants. Kuwait mer­
        Arini aid ammunition   9,58.376 o: C3 per ciut   chants used to bring wheat, sell and buy arms.
                                            Since the establishment of the Warehouse, how­
       Wheal  .   ;•        81,92-1 or t.577 *   ever, and the strict vigilance exercised by block­
       Coffcn   .   •       46,971 cr 18    ading ships, smuggling of arm* has become really
       Sncarfwft) .   -     91,CIS or 64    difficult The import of wheat from Persia has
        Cottcu g-joia      3,33,004 or 4.8  therefore also ceaied.   Muscat merchants are
                                            obliged to get their requirements from India.
                  Told     15.11.CS3
                                            Wheat to the value of Rs. 12,251 has been im­
        Against this increase there is a decrease of   ported by “ Sailing Vessels ** from India. This
      Rs. b,£3,235 to be accounted for, leaving a balance   is a new departure.
      of Rs. G,7 5,158, the Increase noticed above. The   Wheat Flour.—The import under this head ha-
      decrease of Rs. 8,33,235 is chiefiy nr.ti -<d under   almost doubled. Rs. 02,211 worth of wheat was
      the folZoving heads                   imported dnring the year as against Rs. 35,611 of
                            R#.             the previous year. It is mostly imported by the
        Rico             . 2.21,2-12 or 2C yr cent.   Naval contractor for the consumption of the
        Ear suiter       . 3,72,4-90 or 35  „  llo-.'kad'ng squadron.
        Specie           . 1,16,237 or 28   „  Wens. (Oclir ).—Shows a slight increase r-f
        Saga.- Ceaf)        12,471 or 8      R=. 2,3*0 or 7 per cent. This article has made
        Spices           .   2l.£?6 or 3*5  „  Et'sadv progress.
        Box boird*          Co,618 or 57  ,,  Bar Silver.—Th.r- is a further d.rp of nearly
                                             31 lakhs of rupees or 36 p:r cent. Smuggl­
                  Total        3,12,134
                                             ing has practically ceased and the steady large
        Arm trade.—Great efforts were made during   decrease during these two year? implies thit
       the y€;2T under report to check the of this   smuggling has te:-a difficult. What appears :a
       trade, so far as relates to the illicit export of   *.!__•£c- returns was imported under certificates
       u arras and ammunition 17 to ports where the* entry   granted by this Consulate for retail sale in
       of these goods is prohibited.         Muscat and Matrah.
        An “Arms Warehouse77 was established at   Spices.—There is a falling off of P.s. 29,153 cr
       Muscat on the let September, of which the pub­  30 per cent. Large stock remained from la?t
       lished rJr S and regulations required all arms and   year7* imports.
       arnmuuiu'.a lying in private godo-wnsto be brought   Specie.—There is a further drop’of Rs. 1,10,237
       and lodged in the Warehouse and all arms and   or 56 per cent, under this head. The reason is
       ammurj-.:cn imported after its establishment were   net clear, but it is supposed that specie was shipped
       to be taken direct to the Warehouse cn arrival.   direct to Bombay instead of for Muscat where
       The withdrawal of these arras from the Warehouse   rates of exchange were more favourable and Ad?u
       was also subjected to check and li icuse. Arms can   demands were large.
       only he sold retail and to approved buyers and the   Cofee.—The import of coffee has done prettv
       number of arra6 and the amount of ammunition   fairly this year. Muscat was able to import
       such purchasers arc allowed to buy are also limited   Rs. 46,971 worth more coffee than last year
       to comparatively small quantities. In this connec­  showing an increase of 18 per cent. The
       tion, it is interesting to compare the amounts of
       imports for the months of April to the end of   impirts are all Malabar coflee which is preferred
                                             to ,that from Brazil on account of the largeness
       October, by which time the Warehouse regulations   «f the beans.
       had begin seriously to affect the traffic, and for
       the lasz 3 months of the year. During the first   Fresh Fruits.—There is a falling off of Rs. 7,409
       7 months of the year, the returns show an import   or 23 per cent. This fruit is for the  con sump-
       of Rs. 21,93,475 as against Rs. 5,48,490 for the   tion of blockading ships.
       last 5 mir.tbs showing a decrease for the last 5
       months of the year of Rs. 16,44,985 or roughly   Ghee.—There was a scarcity of ghee in Muscat
       75 per c*nt. When it is further added that the   daring the latter part of the year. Prices there­
       5$ lakhs of the last 5 months of the year are   fore rose high. Supplies from the Arab coast
       almost er.t-.rely limited to largo imports ccnsigned   did not come in as usual and Muscat was therefore
       to If is Highness the Sultan of Muscat and to the   obliged to import from Turkish Arabia and India.
       Shaikh tf Kuwait, it will be realised that the   Rs- 19,020 worth was sent in by India and
       check, pi3fiIdv only temporary, to the arms traffic   Rs. 32,260 worth came from Turkish Arabia.
       has bee n really severe and far-reaching. Prices   Kcrosine Oil—There it a slight increase of-
       have risen at least GO per cent. As regards the   Rs. 7,150 or 19 per cent. Of what appears
       share of each country in the trade, Ilclgicra expor­  in these returns, Rs. 9,000 worth of Kerorine
       ted goods to the extent of Rs. 14,92,359, United   Ori was sent by the Anglo-Persiao Oil Company
        Kingdom Rs. 11,7 4,920 worth and Germany   . of Mubammcrah which i; now for the first time
        Rs. 93,231 only,                  J
                                              ar.d towards the close of the year under report
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