Page 213 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
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         usually in an unsettled condition and travelling   A glance at I be import returns will at once
         without a large escort i' dangerous. Owing to   show that t he trade bv steamship seriously suffer­
        an internal rebellion against Ilis Highness the   ed during the year. This U no doubt, due to the
        Sultan during the pa-;t year travelling in tLc   war now convoking Europe. On the other hand
        interior was impracticable.           the buggalow borne trade improved to the extent
                                              of IB,03,031' e ver and above lust year's figures
                     Total Trade.             which stood it H3,22.840.
                                                 Import trade was practically at a standstill
           The year has Icon a very bad one. The total
        volume of trade during (he vear has amounted to   until the cl os* of the year owing to the various
        1(90,33,270 as against 111,01,89,56V of the   restrictions imposed bv the Indian Government.
        previous year showing a nett decrease of   The yearly import of Bengal rice, which usually
        R11,51, 294 (or over 12 per cent on hist year's   forms one of the chief item* of Mus-at import*,
        figures.) The above figures include the figures   was not received during the year nnder report as no
        of the buggalow borne trade which amounted to   steamships were available. The lack of this one
                                              item alone accounts for R11,08,239 of the total
        1111,31,326 and represents the respectable increase   decrease of R12,02,3 V3. The trade in" Arms and
        of £5,13,833 over year's figures. This is
        due to the steamship services having been utilized   ammunition", which at one time figured so pro­
        bv Government in connection with the war.  minently in the*;, returns, has now practically
                                              disappeared. There have been no imports during
          Share ol Trade.—The following table shows   the year and what appears in these returns
        the percentage of the total trade taken by each   represents merely goods impoited by His High­
        country. It will be noticed that, as usual, more   ness the Sultan far his own use.
        than hi If of the year's trade has been with India.
        Then cornf*s in order Persia, the United Kingdom   The following i ems of imports suffered to the
        aud United States of America.         extent of ££2,23,198.
                                        Per-     Arms and Amur -tim         2,00,342
          Countries.  Import.  Export.  Total.  rent­  Rice .              11.O’*. 23*.*
                                        age!     Wheat .   .
                                                 Bar silver .   •           1. G1.00!
                                                 Kero-doe oil               ] 3,322
        Aden        1/3,140  87,000  1,05,200  216*           2, :V.47
        Aj»b Oust    7,331  2,35.063  2,02,144  32 ft  Sugar, Soft           71-3-'.'.
                                                 Cotton Go;>?t              1.50 5./)
        Delgica      2,300         2,300  OCi   Twist & jam                  97,070
        France        3.203        3,208  004  I           Total        . Hi 2223,:03
        Gt/mabj .    S.C65         8.0C5  009 !
                                            !   These decreases can only be accounted for bv
        InJi»      •13,91,031  26.09,172  70.03,263  7713 j the fact that owing to the war the regular steamship
                                              services between Europe and Muscat anil to a less
        Ptri*       1,03.330  4,22.402   5,25,732  8-82
                                             extent between India and Muscat w» re more or
        Sweden      18.SC4        H.8C4  0-21  less disorganized, thereby crippling both import
                                             and export trade. The continued disturbed state
        Turkey in Asia  1X13 0  6,100  7.130  008  I of the interior of Oman is also to a certain extent
        United Kingdom  2XS.7S3  2.61,600  5,20,333  576  I responsible for the above decreased volume of
                                            I trade.
        United States     3.72.300  3,72,300  ♦ II •
                                            I  elsewhere the imports under this bead, for the
         of Aaericn •                           Imports by sailing vessels.—As noticed
        Zanzibar .         ♦7.576  ♦7,576  c':3 ! year under review, show an improvement. The
       Otter countries .  8&S  32,820  ♦1,783  '0-46  increase for the year amounts to 112,63,639 over la«t
                                       I     year's figures, Which also showed aa increase of
                                             *R6,886 over the previous year. Tnis was onlv
          Total R«.  ♦9.14,177 41.24.093  90.33,270 lOOOO  to be expected owing to the dislocation in the
                                             steamship services doe to the war.
          Imports.—Total imports for the year have          Exports.
       amounted to R49,l4,177 as against RC 1,16,520
       last year showing a further decrease of ftl£,u£,343   Total export for the year under rep -nt amounted*
       ever last year’s figures or over 24 per cent.  ! to Rs. 41,21,098 showing an increase of
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