Page 216 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 216


                          Table No. i«A. Total 1/iipcrls during the 3 ears 1912-19^3 to igr.i-ipis.

                               Countries                   1912-1313.  1013-1311.  1514-1915.

                                                              JU                   Hi.
               Aden                                           4/12,7:9  3,G3,9C0  1,08,410
               A rail Coast                                    G2.SC0    21,722     7,381
                                                             15,15,323  2,32,344    £soo
               France •                                         903.;    13,936     3,208
               Gennioj .                                      1,09,353   21,901     8,065
               India   ,                                     32,iu:s   45,29,625  43,91,081
               Ne*.V?!and»                                                           115
               Pernia                                          45,110    81,375   1,03,830
               Port Said                                        1,9)1    15,000
               Russia                                            715
               Sweden                                          34,(35    21.7S0    18,804
               Tarlej in Asia .                                52.821     6.CS0     1,030
               United Kingdom «                              13.S9.S1S  4,01,083  2.58,783
               United State 1 0! America                       76,253    95,000
               Other Countries ,  *                                       5,115     8,520

                                                   Total     69,53,-63  CI.16,520  49,11,177
   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221