Page 464 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 464
Return of British Shipping wluch Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade o! the Port durinx the
. ; year 192 -IS?..
(a) Steam Vresult.
Cor irs Wish fu/jor.*. Ijc DjuLaat. Total. tv. cvmrsi '.Vim Caroocs. Is 3AU.AST. Total.
ATI < r V* WtllHI
EMAIL .l ci.uuld.
No. N-t No. j sn No. Net No. Net .Vi NVl No Net
Ol XoaOAR. of I T <n- Of To-mige. Of Tonnage. or Ton- Of' lontuge.
vc»»|i> vciv U.: n.»«e. ve«wi» vc*o<:«. V-VV 1« lingo. ve*3cJ»
Unltcel King- Ion . 3 11.130 .; 3 11.130 United King-Iora. I 11.130 S> 11.130
Unite*! Stutei ol « 11.130 0 11.130 l"n.!tc. H*tc4 of 8 H.130 6 14.130
America. Ane
IcmIIi . m 203.913 113 i-n.oia In-JU 113 203,913 113 2C3.918
TOTAL 124 2>9.3ld 120 2-9,318 120 239,313 125 259,548
(l) Sailing Vessels.
Eritl*h « C.147 6,147 Drhi>h 49 6,117 40 6,117
u i.
Zanzibar 101 101 Zar.e,: ar e i Ml
Al-MAD ! 130 i 130 A IvJ uo Si I 130
Tor ac. 41 6,393 4.1 6,293 43 6.39-s 43 6.398
Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
during the year 192 -152 .
(o) Steam Vessel*.
Katiosaiptt i Nat:c5autt
Of TIS5K1S. or VEi.-stlS.
Brit Lh 124 239,518 ••• 12c iofl.348 Eritb4 136 989,548 124 289.54S
Total 125 259,319 I2C 259,348 125 239,318 125 239,548
" ! -
(l) Sailing Vessels.
BrH.b • . 40 • •* 4,3 *7 * *... 40 8,147 BriU-h 40 47- 40 6,147
Afrkao : Ml- I Hil A(/ai J OL 1 101
Bcnlaa :: 2»|. * 150 150 rcniai 130 1(0
Total • 42 6,303 / — • 43 6.3V; 43 6,398 43 6,396
MGIl'O—M—XI (32) 21>-1.2S—30.