Page 467 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 467
THE YEAR 1924-25.
Introduction. The -Maria Theresa dollar fluctuates in value con-
. . , , . , 4 siderably, being affected bv tli« world price of silver,
Muscat is the capital of the independent Sultanate hy t]le |.Jcai demand in the date season, and by the
of that naim situated at tbeeasterlv corner of Arabia. statc, of tj,c ua)irajn pear| ,,,3,^
It.« seaboard is nearly 9fi0 miles long and extends
from Tibbat on the west side of Cape Mussemlam Trade accounts are kept in Mohamadis and CJajli,
imaginary coins. T1 vre arc two kinds of Mohumadis
rotind Ras Sajir rather over 200 mires due* north of , , , , . . , , „ ,
tint island Socotra, with the excq.tkn of a small '-acfc V1-1 dollar and white
strip on the cast coast of the MussemUm peninsula H.J-1 dollar. The *!. tc is u,<d in wholesale trade
from Dibbth to Khor Kalba which is the adminis- i"d r " V‘r ,0.r .vc«c,»U,f». *«.*•
tration of the* minor Chiefs of True ial Oman. The .Most Iiundis from India show their face value in
Sultanate extends inland to tlic borders of the Great Mohamadis and not in rupee*.
Desert, bui of late years the Omanis have heroine 20 Oajh 1 Mohanvidi.
virtually autonomous and are now more subject to II] Moliamadia 1 Dollar. •
the Imam of Oman and his lieutenant Shaikh I*a 1(0 1 Toman.
bin Saleh than to His Highness the Sultan of Oman.
The dollar rate fluctuated from Rs. Jeff to 102
sea coast hit oral tract is fertile and prosperous and per 1'lit dollars. It
was low.-s: in .September 1921
d-te grdv«.-» extend along it forever J“) miles. This and highest in November 192!.
strip is known as the Batineh Coast and it is to here
that the hhluicii from Oman finding the struggle for
existence tx» keen in the face of a decreasing wat'*r Weights and Measures.
srtpply aro defendin', and .Wins out the XLc -.vcifthts used f,t the C,,„t,,:H Departments are
inh %?*** f°r “sc ia M”sra‘ -M^h «»<>
and rarely visited by Europeans. The exception is
Ldiofar wLich is the name* of a small fertile district They are:—
e-ornpri.sing a group of villages at the south-west 1 Kiyas the flight of G
dollars «.r 0-9373
corner of the .Sultanate. Gwadur a port on the ozi
Mekran Coast. and a small tract of country round
i: also owns allegiance to Muscat. It is the last 24 .. Mu3cat Maund.
r-vmnant o: the Omani possessions on :lie Persian side 10 Maunds Farasxla.
of the Guli. 203 1 Babr.
The town of Muscat so important and pros* Rice is sold by the bag; other cereals by tin?
porous has been falling in'o decay for veaia now*. following measures:—
Most cf tie trade goes to the sist-.r port of Matrah 10 Pali* . 1 Farrah.
which is the starting point of the trade route to the 20 Farrahs
interior, but Muscat still remains the Capital and 1 Kbandi.
seat of Government. The rupee which weighs on* tola, and the dollar
of which the weight is called ** Aukia ” are used for
weighing drugs and perfumes- One “ Aukia ” equals
Currency. eigLt 31iskals.
The Currency of the country is oli? Maria Theresa JIt unset {Lintas}.
dollar and the copper coin minted in 1895 to the
order of His Highness the Sultans. In Muscat and 1 Shibr . 1 Hand of 4J iocbca.
Matrah sovereigns, Indian currency totes and Indian 4 Shibri . 1 Dbira or cubit.
rupees are generally accepted. 4 Dbira« . 1 Da' or Ulb>im.