Page 469 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 469

         Jebcl Akhlhar. Cereals arc grown on a small scale    Shipping.
         nml could not be further developed owing to tbc _   _.   . . .   . ,   .   ,.  .
         vnitod quantity of water available. Inadequate Sfiam<w.-TLe usual statement show,ng shipping
         rainfall in Oman [or several years past lias been   “ attacLcd to this report. 115 steam ships
         the cause of ruin ol many a date gardens; all wells ?U nationalities entered and cleared the port
         have become dry and brackish.         during the year representing a net tonnage of 33S1,658
                                               and 47 sailing vessels with a tonnage of o!2<*37.
                                               Of the 115 steamships which entered the port 4
                                               wore from United States of America, 5 from United
          The population of Muscat is abcut 2,000 ar.d tliat Kingdom and 106 from India,
        of Matrah about 20,000. The majority of the bouses .The British India Steam Navigation Company,
        in Muscat are empty or arc in mins. Sur is a sail* Limited, maintain a weekly slow u ail sendee both
        ing vessel port with'a population of about 12,000. from Bombay and Basra. The Fast Mail Service
        The difficulty of obtaining water alone prevents the ^hich used to serve the port weekly both ways was
        increase of population there.          withdrawn during the War and has not been resumed
          It is quite impossible to estimate the population   since.
                                                 Freights.—The statement below gives the average
        of the interior. TLe majority of the population arc   rates of freight.
        settled Arabs.
                                                                               Per ton.
                                                                 Its. a. r.    Rs. a. r.
                    Natural Resources.
                                               Dry dates       .   18 0 p3T fctg  19 8 0
          It is heped that the Anglo* Persian Oil Company,   Wet dates 'a mat bag.  10 0   „  14 0 0
        Limited, who arc arranging to prospect for mineral   Wet dates in boxes .  0 30 0 per box  25 0 0
        oils in Muscat territory will succeed in working out
        the mineral resources of the country and thereby   Dry fiah t«-Colombo .  37 0 O
        increase the country’s revenue. The Company Lope   Pomegranate! .   .   2 8 0 per crate  17 8 0
        to star: prospecting in the autumn, 1925.  Dry limes to Persian
                                                   Gulf          10 0 0 per bundle 33 0 0
                                                  Wet dates to United
                     Public Health.                StatcB of America . Sh. 57J per ton.
          Tbe climate of Muscat is extremely unhealthy and
        the heat is excessive. Tbe highest temperature            R. G. ALBAN, Captain,
        recorded in the vear was 113*C>a and the lowest
        67*3* F. ,                                             Adin-j British Consul, Muscat,
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