Page 472 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 472

                                        TABLE No. 1-B,—conld.

                   Principal Import* of Principal Articles during the years 1922-23, 1923-24,1924-25.

                                                    Quaxtitt              Vau*
                                             1922 23  1023-24  1921-23  1W2-23  19J3-24  1924-25

                                                                      £      £      £
                      Bv S.uuso Vessels.
           Rice .   .                   To n«   G7G    401     903  12.22G   (T..29S  I2.K2S
           W licit                               58    112     3U4    53 S   1,1'»7  3.CIO
            PuUc .                               5              0     H*i     l"S    K2
           Wheat Flour                           55     21     74     517    27 a   1.275
           Other grains                         152     80     229   1.520   KJI    1.909
           heeds .                               32     37     22     732    515     191
           ShariOn*                     Pkgv            10     52             37     81
             end Colwri.
            Other Kinds                • Pkjrv   20     12     IS      62     CO     177
            Waras (OcLrc)                »•      29            51     417            537
            Biscuit* .                  CAfi»k   34     19      2      70     30      4
            Coffee .                    Tons     39     33      3    3,173  2..0C-I  280
            Tea                         Pkg*.     G     34     10      :n    217     IIS
           Fruits, Fresh and Dry                 50     73     197    139     Si     180
            Ghee ...                    Cat*rs  Gil    1,103   902   2.33*;  3 «»•   3,700
           Oils of all kind* .                123.741  15,304  24,770  12.(00  3.7W   5.159
            Fish Oil                     Tire*          018    837           2W      533
            Keivsine Oil                              30,004                1^505
            Oilman Stores                         1                    4
            Spiecs .                    Pkjrs.  2,043    4    3,020  7,0s 1  3. SO*  4,5 22
            Vermicelli .                 I.L*.  2,240  3,010  4,240    40    J33     151
           Jogree                       l*kg^     8      7      0      IS     ll      8
            Sugar Candy                 C»1*.    40     20     38     US      4b     73
           Sugar l/jii .                  »»     170           100    I3S            87
           Sugar Soft .                   • •  8,024   0,322  8,930  9,053  9,453  10,920
            Vegeta Lit* .                         6      4             4       3
            Date* .                      To re-  73     152    316    554    £-6o   1,573
                       Tutile Fabrien.
            Cotton                      . Pkgs.   2            33      1             59
           Cotton Seeds                 . Tore*  CG5    3G3           331    143     144
           Cotton Goods                          30     10     25     792    2:93
           Twist and Yam                . Cwu.    7            52      07            207
           Sail Cloth .                  rkg.            4     12             -47    145
            Snuff .                               6      6             49     45
           Cigarette*                    Pkg.     1             3      53            27
           Tobacco                        r*     23     53      17    132    2(95    75
            Drag* .   .   •             •  Pkg.   3     580    245     8     218
            Building Material .         •             14,735  9.290   822   I.O-OG
            Rafters ,   ,               .Scorea  380    327    489    038    331

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