Page 476 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 476

                                        TABLE No. 1-C—contd.
            Principal Articles and Countries from which Imported during the years 1522-23, 1923-24, 1924-25.

                                                  Quantity.              Value.
             Articles and Countries frt»m whence imported.
                                             1922-23.  1923-24.  1924-25.  19-2-23.  1923-24.  1924-25.

                                                                    £      £       £
                      /VociAi'cmi  ■conoid
            India .   .                . Lb*.  3,120  9.C80  1.720    32     464    1 IS
            Africa                              4tO    1G0            20     lb
            United Kingdom                                   2,400                  120
            Other Countries               M                  C.120                  245
           Wine* and Spirits—
            India                      . Gala.  421                  M3
            United Kiugdom                     2.144  3.C12  4.100  3.IW   4.125   3/*8

                       Textile Fabrict.
           Colton Goods—
            India                              1,828  1.803  2.381 f.   04.152  78.I9S
            United Kingdom                       17     17     20   1.533    «i27
            Africa                               3      8       2    119     4i7    1J7
            Per-ia .                             12            10    rfiu           503
            Otter Countries               »•     27                  :»r>
           Silk and Silk Goods—
            Persia                     . Ci*w                         t2
            India                                    23.410   220   19.f33  7.814  11.172
            Other Countries                                     5                   323
           Twist and Yarn—
            India                      . CwL  . 1.026  1.C4S  2.000  15, ISO  13.857  19.,* 31

           Cigar ett
            India                      . Pkg.   16      7      4     412     31      42
            United Kingdom                       3      65     77    237    1,52*  2,633
            Poraia                                             2                    20
            India                                9      14     10     85     123    146
            India •   .                         08      1      3    1.119     9      6
            Persia                               1                    24
            United Kingdom                      83      45    152   2.083  1.505   3.934
           Box Board (Shooks)—
            India   .   .   •   •                             198                   122
            United Kingdom                     9.778  0.129  3,743  2..92J  1.835  1,173
            Persia   .   .   .   .       99     240
            United States of America •   99     686                  200
           Building Material—                                                       41
            India   •   .   •   •        99     40     107    165     51     68
            Persia   .   >  !•:   •      99     100                   31
   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481