Page 471 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 471


                                     TABLE No. 1-B—contd-
               Principal Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1922-23,1923-24,1924-25.

                                                Quantity              Value
                                          1922-23  1923-21  1921-23  1022-23  1923-21  1021-25

                                                                 £       £      £
        Date* .                     Tons     101   408     241    711   3,320  2,011
        Cbce -                      Case*   430    362     295    711   1,393   519
        Ken**inc Oil                (Jali.  93.004       57.850  5,442         2,773
        Oil <2 all kinds                   8.704  12,4.*G  13.17*3  1,770  5,702  3,119
        Oilman Store*                        73     40            204    177
        OrJiQS and Potatoes                  44    2 IK           48     137
       Sf.icts .                    Pk?i.  1,493  1,454   1,505  4,020  7,922  0,137
       Sn Jrjn                       Lbs.   •1(>0  3-55    310    470    743    809
       JogRC                        I’ku*.    1      8     24      3      17     10 4
       Sc jar Candy                 Cvvt«.   60     22     1HI    105     44     172
       Sc jar I>>af •                        SO     U i    200    189     55    ' 191
        Wmicclli .                   Uh.   3,520  9,s *.0   10.210   102  4S2    433
       Scs*r Soft .                 Cuts.  13,750  14/ 'in;   20/121   17,571  21.723  22.S73
       Wilt* and Spirit* .          Cal*.  2,558  3,0-12  4,100  3,751  4,125  3,OSO
                   Tttlilt Fabric*.
       Colton Seeds                - Pkgs.  244     »05    ir,    100     91     80
       Cotton Good*                        1.857  1.-24   2.413  90,20.0  G5.1SG  79,018
       Sl!k and Silk Good*         • Parcel       23 410   223   19.3*3  7,414  11,495
       T aiit and Y»ra .           . Cuts.  1,028  1,645  2,0 Ji  15,880  13,857  19,431
                     T Jsicca.
       Cirirc-ttc3 .               - PkS-    19     40     S3     G50   1.514  2.897
       Sn-.ff .                               9     14      10    x:j    123    140
       Tobacco                              152     72     155   3,232  1,502  3,940
       Box Board Sh*’*ok>           Pfcs«.  10.404  C.129  3,041  3.123  1,835  1,295
       Bulling Material .                   140     107    107    80      08     41
       Pngs ....                             58     78     87     197    554    589
       Era mel ware .   .                    40     10     304    379    285   1,995
       Clio* and Earthenware .               21     S9     74     211    C45    454
       Gunny bag* .                 Bales    73     41     41     755    474    399
       Matting ...                  Pkgs.   17.4    411    593    37      77    149
       Haberdashery                         119     38      14  1,006    032    209
       Hardware ...                         321     533    594    830   1,623  2^71
       Hile* ....                             1      9      14     8      64    112
       P«-rfumcry ...                       200    501     415    451   1,958  1,400
       Tallow                                 2     12     19     23      11    303
       Sail Cloth .                                  3     10             52    316
       3!acbincry ...                         2      0     12     26      40    106
        Btnzamioe .   .                      90     1S9    113    OO     958-   573
       Attarce                              134     132    315    325    290    728
       Mftal ....                           305    179     109   1.501   631    958
       Oil Newspaper                         22     53     a      2»3    855   1,181
       Matches ...                  Cases    74    355     323           299   1*014
       Furniture                    Pkgs.    12      8     24     100    129     80
       Candles                               14            25     58             40
       Arti'-les not specified above        684   2.092  2,042   0,965  10,572  13,515
       Sutioncry .                   Pkg.    20      9      5     201     43     41
       Waring apparel .                                           2.0          1,035
       Scap ....                   . Pkg    203    183     224    393    352    422
                    Total by Steamers                          374,932  337,667  327.341
   466   467   468   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476