Page 473 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 473

                                    TABLE No. 1-3.—contd.

                Principal Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1922-23,1P23-24, 1824-25.

                                                Quantity               Valce
                                          1922-23  1923-24  1921-25  192223  1923-24  1924-25

                                                                  £      £      £
               By Sailino Vessels—coA/i.

                   Miscellaneous  rontd.
        Enamclwsre                  . Pkg.    31    150    181    215     23G    440
        Candle*                               8      21      5     23     20      13
        Furniture                     It     102    IOG     05    231     103     O)
        Metal .                      Bars    311    231     72     <98    419    133
        Glass aid Eirthcnware        Pkg*.   170     29     27     310    ST     1 S3
        Gunny Big*                            4             12    3,410           40
        Hardware                      It    1,303   813    55G    1.632   037    sr-i
        Matched                              27G    52G    701    2,319  3,303  3.778
        Matting*                            1,919  1,522  2,051    155    4S5    874
        Perfumery                     H       11     5G    197     38     313    G43
        Stationery                            11                   138

        So&p .                       Ca«cs   293    313    581     5G4    510    9:9
        Charcoal                     Pkgs.   893    140   1,475    156    28     149
        Shook*                              3,350          108    1,276           79
        Hides .                      Bdls.           40     50            173    202
        Animals                      Xos.    340   1,840  1,750    1S3   1,207  1,030
        Benzamine                    Pkgs.           84     27            91     10S
        Waste paper.                          26           121     123           va
        Hay ....                     Tons    421    147      2     1S6    67      12
        Hemp ....                    Pkgs.    85     G3      5     169    257     23
        Attarce ...                          130    5G2     22     195    C26     49
        Carpet*                       *•      11     21      6     560    50      $7
        Tallow .   .   .                     146    355    104     127    297    147
       Article* not specified abort                1,424  1,585   2.4S8  4,347  2,816

                    Total by Sailug Vessels .                    67,718  52,793  CG.COS
   468   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478