Page 483 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 483
TABLE No. 2-A.
Total Exports during the years 1922-23, 1923-24, 1S24-25.
Country's. 1922 21 1022-24. 1*121-25.
£ £ £
Ad«-n MO
Africa . 1.037 3/741 2,070
Ceylon . 2(5 4,702
China . 1.1(2
India . 151,779 I t >.(11 158,257
Persia ... 25,:i4l 7.103 10.96/1
United Kingdom . 213 222 i,:k;i
United States of America 5.308 7,<>I3 33,748
Other Countries M2 1.-28 1,539
Grand Total . 184.0/i 1'.9,595 219.509
TABLE No. 2-B.
Total Exports of Principal Articles during the years 1922-23, 1923-24, 1924-2S.
Quantity. Value.
1922-21 1923*24. 1924-25. 1922-23. lC'23-24. 1924-23.
£ £ £
By Steamer.
Ric« . . . Tons <4 I G 83G 10 84
Wheat 40 1 2 98 1G 31
Wheat fionr . Z 11 37 1S3
Other grains 7 3 99 19 23
Sardine, dry - Pkg. 25.029 25.9*1 32,720 14,182 12,990 16,305
Fish, dry and salted 392 1,31 > G.934 398 1,274 0,9b«
Sb*rLfins 572 SOI 57u 1,137 1.006 1,142
Cuttles 152 177 372 71 89 137
Bates, dry . Tons 3.S52 4.322 4,042 78,900 77,788 83,55®
Bates, vet . 1.112 1,399 3,044 17.417 17,512 54.S48
Limes, dry . 197 47 51 15,700 1,877 1.000
Pomegranates 2,807 132 293 4.210 3,164 4.392
Fruits, otber kind <VL 30 II 120 23 154 84