Page 484 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 484
TABLE No. 2-B-covtd.
Tolal Exports of Principal Articles during the yenrs 1922-23, 1923-21, 1924-25.
Qca>tity. Valvr.
1922-23. 1923-21. 1924-23. 1922-23. 1923-24. 1921-25.
£ £ £
By Steam eb— could.
Paints and Colours.
IVirtu 1 94 251
Precious Slones and Mdals 3 11 53 40
Pearl* . . Bags and Cases 3 3 227 393 200 GIG
J?il\er . . . . Barn 1 150
Cold . . . . Box 1 10
Coffee . Tons 11 3 371 110
Cb-c . 73 72 2. *5 237
JUva (sweets) . Cases 2 3 4 6 12 1G
^j ites . . Pkjr. 300 10 IG 150 17 G4
Mu-jar . . Cm. 1*3 It 2 202 208
Tea . 3 l->
Wines and .Spirits . OnU. 12 40 3s J8 r.i; 31
Cowries . Pfcj:. 122 GG i T»i 153 33 S3
Vermicelli . Lbs 1,*M 90
Ter lilt Fairies.
Cotton C-»m1s—
Mt:si-at .Manufacture . 'Mb. 15 11 193 7=2 290 3,801
Kui>i|k* Mt: •ifjttuic 31 03 U 1.1-58 2.51 S ISU
Twi.-.t and Vain. . O' t. 190 9S0 Yuie . . Ca>e> 1 *0
Wealing ApjiareJ . Bell,. 5 50
Cigarettes . . Cases 3 20 47 390
Tolatco 30 11 29 875 171 387
Drugs . . • • Cases 32 17 183 120
Cost Hair . 5 . Pkg. 13 16 3 40 48 9
liides and Skin 70 54 64 4C-2 3S7 563
Matting ... 31 5 48 21 62 112
Perfumery . . • Cases 2 33
Male lies . * ’ • Pkg. 10 GS
Planks and Sbooks t» 397 796
Cu-ny Bags - 31 4S6
Attaicc *f 35
Articles not specified slote 137 330 202 345 670 339
Total by STtAiitns 133.121 121,791 179,675