Page 487 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 487


                                       TABLE No. 2-C
        <3               Principal Articles and Countries to which Exported.

                                                Qua>tity.              Value.
           Article.'and Countries to which exported.
                                           1022-23.  1923-21.  1021-25.  1022-23.  1923-21.  1924-2.',.

                                                                  £      £      £

         Persia                      Tons     41      1      5     SCO     10     G3
         India                                               1                    1€
         Persia                               40             2     00             31
        Wheat Flour—
         India                                        5      1    1.516   37      17
         Persia                                             10                   108
        Other grain*—
         Persia                                7      1      3     09      19     23

        Sardines, dry—
         India                       Pkz.  24,817  23,931  32,023  11.0C-2  12,500  10,312
         Persia                       W      212            103    110            53
        Fish, dry ard salted—
         India                       f«!     255    847   1,475   251     £00   1,430
         Persia                               23    104     53     29     93      53
         Ceylon                                     239                   245
         Hong Koeg                           118    128            118    131
         Colombo                                          4,011                 4,700
         Africa                                            154                   150
         Other Connies .              r»                   036          • •      G5Q
         India                        H      111                  215
         Persia                              114                  228
         China                        9f     347    504    670    OS I   1.006  1.1«
         India                               130    177    372     70     89     187
         Persia                               2                     1   • •     • «
        Dates, dry—
         India                       Tons   3,852  4,322  4,042  78,905  77,788  83,559
        Dates, wet—
          Indila                             832    815   1,505  11,949  11.538  15,375
         United States of America            208    604   1,475  5,294  6,762  38,748
          United Kingdom .            m       12     11     04    170     212    725
        Limes, dry—
          Persia •   ,   -           Tom     197     47     42   15,700  1,877  1,300
         India •   •   •                                    10                   300
   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492