Page 488 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 488

                                          TABLE No. 2-C.

                       Principal Articles and Countrlci to wliicli Exported—continued.
                                                   Qt’AXTITV.            Valck.
               Articles an«lCountries to wM(b exported.
                                             1922-21.  1923-21.  1921-25.  1922-23.   1023-24.  1924-25.

                                                                    £       £      £

            India .                     Tons   2,S*?7  139    239   4.210   3.104  4,392
           Fruits other kind—
            Persia                      Cut.                  126     23            SI
                      Paints and Colour*.
            Pern a                               1      01                  231
                   Prerivir fyloim and Jfchfr.
             Pvr-1a .                  . Daps                  35                   70
             Ir.llt                                     3                   393
             L'ni’- O Kini'dojn        . Cases                192                   570
           Silver Dora—
                                                 1                   130
           Cold—                                                                    to
             P..-rt.'a                 . Box
                         Prod don.
             lVn-'a                    . Tons    11            5     374            410
             IVrr a                              75     11           295    233
           Hal*, a (Sweet a)—
             ii.-lu                    . Cl SCR         3              3     12
             J'i-rsa                              1            4       3            16
             Persa                       Pkg.   300            1G    150
           Supar Soft—
             India .                    Ctft.                 192                   203
           Win*-s and Spirits—                                                      51
             Persia                     G-als.   12     40     38     18     56
             PeraH                                      3                    18
           GlUTVC*—                                                                 S3
             In<!ia                    . P*g-   122     66    176    155     33
                        Cotton Goods.
           Mintcat Manutactune—                                                    1.C01
             Persia •                   Bla.     32     68     81   1,488   244
             Africa .                            15     5     112    782    216   2,2>'A
           Europe Manufactun                                                        120
             Other O/untries           . BU.          • •      6
   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492   493