Page 489 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 489
TABLE No. 2-C.
Principal Articles and Countries to which Exported continued.
Quantity. Valu k.
Articles mid Countries to which exported.
1022-23 1023-24. 11121-23. 102223. 1923-24. 1924-23.
£ £ £
Twist and Yarn—
Persia Cwt. 190 9>30
231k Yaru
led La Ca?c8 1 <#>
Wearing Apparel—
India Bis. 3 30
1 T olacco.
Persia Cases 10 11 29 275 171 337
Cigarc it< i—
Persia 3 20 47 390
India 32 17 m 120
Goat Lair—
In.lia Pkg- 51 13 337 58
Persia 2 1 3 7 2 9
Hlde= and Skin—
India 51 13 ID 357 58 21U
Perm M 19 1 48 133 7 354
Hat i_nd 3Iat Bag!
Persia 5 12 48 5 40 112
India *• 10 143 1G 107
Africa Cases 2 33
Plant and .Shook)
United Kingdom Fkg. 33 66
Persia 304 730
Cunny bags—
India . 5 96
Persia »» 20 390
Persia • • 35 140
Persia 10 00
Articles not specified above—
India . . . . 27 255 Cl 102 1.539 . 176
Ferda . . . 27 1,902 70
United States of America . 74 94 74 251 29*
. Africa . . . . 05 1,565
United Kingdom . . 9 15 39 10
Totai. nr Steamers 138,121 121,791 179.076