Page 102 - DILMUN 14
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   Fig. 3          Fig. 4             Fig. 5

   Section of    Section of         Section of
ondage No. 3   sondage N. 4  sondage No. 8 and 9.

revealed a very large sample, which were associated with much more extensive
remains than those observed in sounding 3.

   his light coloured vegetal tempered ceramic disappears completely rfom the
upper levels, replaced by a red or light red ware with mineral temper, in which it is
possible to identiyf Neo-assyrian forms. [t thus appears evident that between the
Kassite period and the Neo-assyrian period, an intermediate period is found, which
we introduce in our chronology as period IV.

   Situated east to west, some sixty meters from each other are soundings 2 and 8 +
9 (Fig. 3). hese present a stratigraphic sequence rather different from that
obseved in sounding 3. he soundings 2, and 8 and 9, were excavated to 0.50
meters above sea level. his basal level is consolidated beach sand (=holocene
beach deposit), very hard, forming a difficult obstacle to traverse. he occupation
of period IV was established on this very resistant surface, and constitutes the most
ancient human establishment in this part of the site (peirods [, II and III were not
found). he period IV levels here were much thicer than that of sounding 3 (which
was no more than 30 40 cm. thic) having from 90 to 150 cm in thicness.

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