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hiis ceramic corpus rcscmles that of the Kassite pcriod production, well nown
fron the Oal'at al-Bahrain. In particular, we note the triangular rims (Fig. 6:4-6)
a١d cspccially the thic lbased goblets whicl are usually found in ١ brownish hcavy
war٥. his group of ccramics approinmately reprcsents one third of the period I٧
matcrial cxcavatcd in the soundings of the Oal'at al-Bahrain.


         ‫ ﺇ‬٨«5

                                                                       Fig. 8
         {‫ ﺗﻲ‬,‫ﺇ‬-
                                                                 9 ٨0

Second group : buff, yellowish or green ware with predominantly chaff temper.

  he ceramics of this group from the greater part of the period IV ceramic corpus.
his group is noted as much by its forms as by the nature of its ware.

Forns :  large, wide-mouthed, necless jars with pedestal or deep ring bases.
         Associated with these new jars were noted varients of a unique type or
         rim: oblique, widened to the outside, with a light ledge below the rim
         (Fig. 8:1-3; Fig. 9:3-6 and 13-15). he sie of the jar mouths range from
         27 t٥ 44 cm; the thicness of their walls range from 2.5 to 3.0 cm, and
         the mean height of their pedestal or ring bases is 6 cm (Fig. 8:4 and Fig.
         9:7-8). While no complete profile of these vessels were found, the
         formal elements compared with complete forms from other sites,
         permit the identification of the forms found (Fig. 10).

small jars with slightly oblique necs and with flaring rims (Fig. 8:5 and
   Fig. 9:9-11). hese are completely different from those of the first
   group (cf Fig. 7:4-6).

basins constitute the third group of vessel forms. hese are found in
vairous sies and profiles (Fig. 8:6 and Fig. 9:23-32.)
Some of them have vertical handles lie those of basets (Fig. 8:9 and
Fig, 9:1-2). his type of handle is rare in the ceramisc of Bahrain.

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