Page 121 - DILMUN 14
P. 121

                        r. Mohamed A٠ Alhoaai

                             Editorial Committee
                           r. Abdul-Latif Kanoo

                               Mrs. Valerie Best ٠
                                 Norbert Papali
                               Editorial Address

              Bahrain Historieal & Archaeological Society
                                 P.O. Bo 5087

                               Manama, Bahrain
                                   e1. 72٦895
                                   uhblished by

              Bahrain Historical & Archaeological Society
Photographs used in this journal were taen by Mr. Norbert Papali

ilmun is provided free ot all members of the Society and is available
to Non Membesr a٤ B.2‫ ﻻ‬per issue, ecluding postage and


                       Printed by Government Press,
                     MiMistyr of Information, Bahrain

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