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   As its longest serving President, H.E. Shaih Isa has been instrunental in the
'growth and development of the Socicty which is no٧ firmly placed on the world
map, and commands the respect of archaeologists and historians the world over.

   Graduating from Neath College, England, in 1964, with a degree in Petroleum
Engineering, His Ecellency went on to study for a degree in Chemical Engineering
at Southampton College, England.

   After graduating from Southampton, he spent seven years with BAPCO, before
being appointed Secretary General of the High Council for Youth and Sport. In
1978 he was elected President of the BHAS, and held the post for two years, after
which time he continued to maintain an interest in the Society's activities as a
committee member:

   In 1983, he became President of the General Organisation for Youth and Sport,
and was also re-elected President of the BHAS, a position he was to hold until
1988. In 1980 he arranged the move to the Society's ifrst premises in Juffair, with
the generous support of the Ministry of information.

   As President, Shaih Isa Bin Mohammed has played a ey role in the
development of the Society's resources and facilities. In its early days, the Society's
librayr consisted of a few boos stored in the homes of various committee
members. When the Society moved to its new premises, a library was established,
which, during his temr as President, has grown to become one of the most
comprehensive collections of boos and articles on Bahrain's History and
Archaeology, in the world.

   he Society is most grateufl for the invaluable contribution Sheih lsa has made
during his years as President of the Society.

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