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M٨RCH, 1988
4th Mr. Abdulai Sowaileh conducted tour of n٥w excavations at Sar.

 (h Mr.‫ﺇ‬Absdulai Sowailleh praesented lectureeon topie of S .

24th Abdulaai Sowaileh conducted tour of Arad Fort, Muharraq.

30th r. Herman Bell, Professor of Languages, King Faisal University, Saudi
Arabia presented lecture on the Historical aspect of the Nabatean State of Madain
Saleh, Western Saudi Arabia.

٨.G.M. Wednesday, 6th April, 1988
President: r. Essa Amin.
Vice-President: Mr. Farry Kaerooni.
Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Valerie Best.
Librarian: r. Sheila Canby-voss.
Hon. reasurer: Mr. Hassan arradah.
Hon. Membership Secretary: Mr. Norbert Papali.
Public Relations: Mr. Abdulain Sowaileh.
Member: r. Abdul-Latif Kanoo.
 Member: Mr. Khalifa AI-Mansoori.

 MuY, 1988
 26th Mr. Mohammed Hussain AI Mubara, echnical Advisor to the Ministry of
 Wwois conducted a tour of the A١ Fatih Mosque.

 JUNE, 1988
 2nd r. Riyad Yousif Hamah, General irector of Administration and
 Financial Affaris, Arabian Gulf University, arranged visit to the University.

 End of season dinner at the Regency Inter-Continental Hotel.

  2nd Mr. Abdulai Sowaileh conducted tour of Sar excavations.

  16th Mr. Abdulai Sowaileh conducted tour of Bani Jamra Cloth Weavers and
  Karbabad Baset Maers.

  30th Mr. Abdulai Sowaileh conducted tour of A'Ali ercavations.

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