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٨.G.M. Wednesday, 8th ٨pril, 1987
President: Shaih Isa Bin Mohammcd A1 Khalifa.
vice-President: r. Mohaned A. Alhoai.
Hon, Secretary: Mr. Ali Abar Bushiri.
Librarian: r. Essa Amin.
Hon. reasurer: Mr. Farry Kaerooni.
Menbership Secretary: Mr. Norbert Papali.
Assist. Mem, Secretary: Mrs. Valerie Best.
Public Relations: Mr. Hassan arradah.
Mcnber: r. Abdul-Latif Kanoo.
ilmun Editors: Mr. Bushiri, r. Alhovai, Mrs. Best.

JUNE, 1987 End of season inner.

OCOBER, 1987 (Start of new season)
 14th r. Bruno Frohlich, Anthropoligist, Smithsonian Institution, Washington '
 .C. presented a lecture racing ilmun rade Roots, through Bronae Age
 Ecavatiois ،in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan & Paistan.

28th r. Abdul-Latif Kanoo conducted tour of Beit A١ Our'an.

 pECEMBER, 1987
 30th r. Masatoshi A. Konishi, Professor of South Asian Studies at Riyo
 University, Japan, presented lecture on Mohenjo aro, Indus Valley and possible
 connections with Bahrain and the Gulf.

 JANUARY, 1988
 7th Mr. Farry Kaerooni conducted tour of Bin Matter House in Muharraq.
 Also, Mr. Norbert Papali arranged a tour of Siyadi House to run concurrently;
 Abdulai Sowaileh guided the tour.

 5th Mr. Abdulai Sowaileh conducted tour of new ecavations at Hamad own.

  12th r. Abdul-Latif Kanoo conducted a tour of Beit A1 Our'an showing the
  progress made.

  17th r. Pierre L‫ﺶ‬mbard, Lyons University, France, presented lecture on
  "Ugairt ancient Cpaita‫ﺇ‬, Syria, from 2nd Millennium B:C.'
  24th r,. Peter rams, advisor to Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Yor,
  presented lecture "Unity of lslamie Arfhe Splendour of the Oriental Carpet'.

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