Page 88 - DILMUN 14
P. 88
٩241.2 3 I٧ Rather coarse rcddish wa٢٥; grey
intcrior, mineral tc١per; buff
cxterior ١٢؟f١ce,
:3240.7 3 I٧ Mclium light reddish war٥; Failaka (Hajilund 1986),
١incral tempcr; buff level I٧٨ and ١evel
ctcrior surface,
١٧B (e. 1300٠١٩00 BC)
types 57 B & C Suas
(Miroschedji 1981), level 13
(e. ١300 BC) 6g. I:016
0l6.١4 8 I٧٥ Rather coarse buff-light red
8 ware; mineral and vegctal tcmper.
30١6.3 8
30١0.14 1٧B Rather fine pinkish-buff ware;
ifne mincral temper.
320.8 3
8 1٧B Medium grey-red ware; vegetal
3016.20 temper, with white specks.
32a0.2 3 I٧ Medium pinkish buff varc;
mineral and vegetal ١emper.
1٧B Medium reddish ware;
hcavywcight; mineral tcmper;
pinkish-buff exteiror surface.
I٧ Rather coarse iight red ware;
sand and lime temper٠
19%9.2 2 ١٧B Rather coarse light red ware;
mineral temper; buff exteiror
19%9.3 2 surface.
IVB Rather coasre light red ware;
mineral temper; exterior sufrace
color is lighter, exterior rcd
198١ .4 2 I٧ Medium pinkish-buff ware; mineral
I981.4 2 temper.
32M06 3
I٧B Rather coarse lihgt red ware;
mineral temper.
I٧ Rather coasre pinkish-buff ware; Failaa (Hajlund 1968),
١ewel IVB (e. 1300 BC)
mineral temper.
type 99
3240 3 3 ٧ ﺇMedium light brown ware; Failaa (Hajlund 1968),
mineral temper ١evel I٧A (e. ١40 BO)
tyep 81
031.620 8 I٧B Medium reddish ware;
heavyweight; mineral tempcr;
buff exteiror surfae.
3241 .3 3 I٧ Medium light brown ware;
mineral temper; exteior
1969 .4 2 sufrace oclor is lighter.
IVB Medium light red ware; ifne
mineral and vegetal temepr٠