Page 86 - DILMUN 14
P. 86


0 ١9٦.55 2      I٧B R:ather coarse uff w٢٥;                  Failaka (H١jlund ١98%),
                         vegeta١ temper; burnished           level ١٧B (c. I300 ٧C),
.٦ ١9756     2           cxtcrior witl١ incived decoration.  ypes ٦١ a٨d 92 Hajar bin
                                                             Humeid (٧a٨ Beek 1969),
                I٧٥ Rathcr coarsc yellow wa٢٥;               stratum B, ifg 86.
                         lightwcight, porous; mineral
                         and vegctal temper.                 Hajar bin Humeid (٧5٨
                                                             Beek ١969), all strata.

 s. 30102    8  I٧٧ IRather coar5٥ yellow wa٢٥;
             3           lighlwcight; vegc١al tempcr.
‫ ﻭ‬3240.5     9
                 ١٧ Rather fine grccnish warc;               lajar bin Humeid (٧a٨
١0, 3240.14              overifred (viirification visible),  Beek 1969), stratum Set N
                                                             (e. I٧8٨ e BC) ig. 58
                ١٧B Medium buff wa٢٥; mineral
                         and vegctal tempcr.

١1. 3016.5   8  ١٧B Coarse grecnish warc;
‫ﺍ‬2. 30١6.18  8           coarse vegetal tempe‫ﺱ‬,٢

                I٧B Medium grccnish buff war٥;               Hajar bin Humeid (٧a٨
                         mincral and vcgetal tempcr.         Beek ١99), stratum R
                                                             (c. IW9h e BC) i,g 98

‫ﺍ‬3. 3016.26  8  I٧B Rather coasre grecnish-yecllow
I4, 3020.9   ‫ﻭ‬           war٥; mineral and vegctal temper.
5‫ﺍ‬. 1973.2   2
                IVB Coarse yellow war٥; vegctal
                         temper .

                IVB Greenish-grey ware; mineral
                         and vegelal tempcr; punched

I6. 3010.15  8  I٧B Medium greenish buff ware.
‫ﺍ‬٦. I987.1   2
             3  I٧B Medium greenish ware; mineral
18. 3240.1               tcmper.
١9. 1973.1   2
             8  ٤٧ Rather coarsc grecnish war٥;
.p 3016.10              mineral and veg٥١al tempe٢.
!1: 3016.8   8
                IVB Coasre greenish ware; mineral
                         and vegetal tempcr.

                IVB Coasre greenish-ylelow                   Susa (Mirosched‫ﺯ‬i 1981)
                         war٥; vegetal temper.               ievel 12٠10 (c. 1-0021000
                                                             BC), 6g 15:13.
                I٧B Medium buff ware; mineral
                         and vcgetal temper; burnished

2. 30١6.23   8  IVB Medium light red ware;                   Hajar bin Humeid
.3 3010.26   8           mineral tempe٢.                     (٧an Beek; 1969)
                                                             stratum C, ifg. 32
                IVB Medium greenish war٥;
                         lightwcight; vegetal temper.

4. 3016.19 8    ٧B oasre greeish-buff ware;                  Hajar bin Huieid (٧an
5. 010.4 8               mineral and vegetal tempcr.         Beek; I969), stratum Kk
                                                             (8th e BC) 5g. 58
                I٥v Rather coaesr greenish ware;
                         mineral and vegetal temper.

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