Page 82 - DILMUN 14
P. 82


  cript from its very bcginning including the diacritical marks which bcgan with the
  ٥se of lots up to nall vowcls and letter pointing which are ‫؟‬١cd today.

     Gllcry 5 dcdicatcd to thc acsthetic aspect of the a٢١ of the Holy Our'an.
  Concentralion will be on calligraphic styles, decoration and illumination and will
  nchudc somc magnificcnt cxamples of bookbinding.

     Gallery 6 will house translations of the meaning of the Holy Our'an in many of
  the world's languages.

     Gallery 7 is for printed Our'ans and Gallery 8 will house the tools of the
  ecalligrapher's art, including writing materials a١d implenents. It will also be the
  aome of contemporary paintings conposed from a Our'anic word or phrase.

    he Library, called the A1 Furq'an Library is to be a centre for serious study and,
 n addition to eventually housing 50,000 volumes, on completion it will have study
 facilities including access to rare and valuable book and reference materials relating
 to the Holy Our'an. he volumes will be in three languages, Arabic, English and
 French. It is hoped that significant research will take place here to deepen the
 understanding of the wisdom written in the pages of the Holy Our'an.

    he auditorium is an ideal complement to this study in that it will seat 150 people
 nad will equip speakers with state of the art visual display techniques for meetings
 and echange of knowledge, It is envisaged that significant international symposia
 awill take place here, although there will still be a place for the smaller local
 meetings and lectures such as the Bahrain Historical and Archeological Society,
 which will be encouraged to use it from time to time.

    It is planned that parties of school children will visit with their teachers to see the
arre exhibits contained in the Beit AI Our'an. Not only Arabic speaking children
from Bahraini schools, but the children of expatriate families living in Bahrain and
contributing to the cultural well-being of the country, will be welcome.

   Maybe some of the boys who visit will join the fifth element of the Beit AI
Our'an, the school. he school was created to teach the art of reciting the Holy
Our'an. hus the Beit AI Our'an will link the past to the future with the younger
generation learning the values and traditions of the past.

   urning now to the collection itself, which will be housed in the Beit AI Our'an,
have included with this article a number of photographs of the rarities which will be
found in the museum. Of course, space limitations dictate that I can only reproduce
here a veyr small preview of the treasures which will be on display when the Beit AI
Our'an is opened.

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