Page 87 - DILMUN 14
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١. 302١.2 8                IGURE 8                     lajar bin Ilumeid
                                                       (٧a١ Beek ١96)), fig. 3
2  ١987٥2  2  ١٧٨ ٧ery coarse buff war٥;               iype ١120 (sp LCF 8)
                        lighwcight, porous; coarse
3. ١987.9 2             ineral & vegctal te١per.       Filaka (H٥jlund I986).
                                                       ١eve١١٧٥ (.e 1300 BC)
٨. ١987.5 2   ١٧٨ Mcdiu١ yellow wa٢٥;                  type 92.
                        lightwvcight, vegetal tenper.  Hajar bin Huneid (٧a٨‫ﻻ‬eek
5. 3021.18 8                                           1969), stratum D, ig 39
              I٧٨ Rather coarse yellowish              Susa (Mirosclhedji 1981)
6. 3021.5 8             war٥; vegelal tenpcr.          levels 98 (e, .009800 BC),
                                                       fig. 26 Janussan (Lombard
٦. 0‫ﺩ‬226.  9  ١٧٨ Rather coarse greeish-yellow         and Salles ١948)
                        ١٧are; chaff a١١d very fine    fg. a9:٦0,٦3,75.
 8. ١997.3 2          sand te١per.
‫ﻭ‬. 3026.14 9                                           Hajar bin Humeid (٧an
١0. 1993.1 2  I٧٨ Mediunm buff wa٢ rehta٥٢;            Beek 1969), stratum
                       lighvcight; mineral and         M (c. 8h٨ ٥ BC) ig. 56
                        vegetal tenmper.
                                                       Najran-Ukhdud (2arins
              I٧٨ Coasre ycllow ware;                  e1 a‫ ﺍ‬9١83 1(, 7:9.‫ﺇﻡ‬
                        lightveight, porous, mineral
                        and vegctal tcmpcr.

              I٧A Rather coarse greenish-
                        buff ware: mineral and
                        vegetal temper.

              ٢٧A Coarse greenish-yellow war٥;
                        vegetal temper.

              I٧A Rather coarse yellow ware;
                        mineral and vcgetal temper.

              I٧A Medium greenish-yellow ware;
                        mineral and vege١al temper;
                        incied decoration.

1. ١975.4 2                  FIGURE ‫ﻭ‬                  Najran-Ukhdud (2arins
2. 3010.28 8                                           e١ a١ 1983), 17:9.‫ﻡﺇ‬
3. 3241.1 3   IVB Rather coarse yellow ware;
                       mineral and vegetal temper.
4. 1969.1 2
5. 301.62 8   ١٧B Medium greenihs ware;
                       mineral and vegetal temper.

              I٧ Coarse greenish ware,
                       with ifne yellow inclusions;
                        vegetal tcmper.

              ٧B Medium yellow ware;
                        lightweight; vegetal temper.

              IVB Coarse yellowish ware;
                        vegetal temper.

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