Page 194 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 194
a blessing at all, it Is certainly net in unmixed A large projorliou of weigbu
one. It i? if course dist.'n.-tly ad\ ar.ta :?’ous for ar-* under standard. Kt^y i:,
commercial interests ; fi. v\:r pcojd .* go bankrupt, Lineal mease ronentt—
and d jltor? an1 better abl 2 to satisfy tl. -ar credi Dili ra'(cab! t) . . .
tors. As elsewhere prosperity directly reduces 4 IHiira* - L P»* (fathom) . .
litigation as well as crime, and this ret alt is very Land is usually shown in dwuments 0f
noticeable in Bahrain. net by its area hut by the LnctJis of
The following list of prices and rales current in boundary lines, the situation of which is 1 *'v* j
Manama in 1911 may be interesting for compari 21. The Indian rupee (15 = £1) anj
son iu future years:— n.n,l cop;er fmc|i0 ' ’^
R a. r. 1 r I™1* UV
Rice _ jer lb. 0 2 0 Impeded frem India. ge-neral medium of exchange u Habrain. ‘
Flour »» 0 19 I'o. do. cotins arc rarely seen. XasK
Pal (pul*-*) „ 0 2 0 Do. do. Indian Currency Notes of HI,000 c:.
Meat 99 4 to 8 &:nas, Inijorkd frttn Porsia;
and even rate virie.n according have also been found convenient, and arc- in r
higher. to unfair. common use. English sovereigns (ginl—:
Fish 2 to 4 aejas a Local frssh fah snpplj at.: are appreciated, but are not very plentiful *
99 V*ri*Kc.
lb. The once f-oj aLir Itiyal (Maria Theresa)
Ghee 1 10 0 Imported.
Milk 2 to 4 . SuppCy small. Cow* is still currem but is not popular and is not r-"
stal'. -fid os chopped set-n. Its persistence is dne to the trade rth- >
straw an*: dried fi6h.
Water gallon. 1 to 1 ac:n* . Brackish, crunk by with the Arab mainland where it is in <T.’'
lower <!a&c» and used us+e. *"
for i.*e^rn.l purpose*. The gold Turkish Lira is accepted freely.
Water 4 to 6 an us a Best •drLaklxg but not
ft pur*; fr::n a spring The .Rupee values of the DoUar and thebrre.
small 8-Via. subject to constant fluctuations.
10 teal?* ci.
Fire wool. 4 to 6 puc-s per {Imported freo Persia, The term* QranJ is sometimes nsed to l>-
pousd. th-e value of CJ annas. There is no comsjvi.L:.
Charcoal . „ 9 pies ~o 1 Imported froa India. coin.
ar.n* perlb.
Wag a:—
Oromry servant* per sic C6cm • 30 to 30 Remarks o.v the Trade Statistics m
Arab took Isr natives . do. . 25 to 30
fill --3U0U*. 1911-12.
Sewing, washing and barber’s charges are said 1. To understand the value of the Tra«!e Sor
to be about twice as high 2s in other Golf Ports. tie? of Bahrain, it is necessary to recognise l.
the total figures Represent three very distinct t;:
B a. r.
Maaon . per diem. 3 0 0 2Cii£m-=s rate. of business, r:r., the movement of Pearls, of
Carpenter do. 2 8 0 Da do. *n»d of general merchandise.
Mason'* CocijC do. 0 13 6 Da do. In Bahrain the trade dominate-* the whol* tz-
Indians say that living costs them 4 or 5 times mercial situation. The and exp-rt
what it does in their own '.-ountry. specie is in direct connection with it, and th* te-
20. The fallowing are the most important of cess in General Merchandise is snbjxt to hv
the weights and measures variation according to the profitableness ef r-
Weight* and Measure*
current in Bahrain :— pearl fishery and the amount of money Irs^.
into tbe market by it, and available for gea^-
Rutl or — 1*34 lb*. Avoir. mercantile purposes. .
With these preliminary remrte, I
Rub** -411 „ following tables giving an analysis on these
Marx* - -37«0 „ .
Rifs'ah . . — 67C\0 » 99 of tie trade during tbe year.
Total Trade (in el aiding Specie an.i Pearlt) «* 1911-12.
Ixrcm. Expoxt*. Tc/tu Tubl
Branches of Trade. Percentage Percentage PfTTtfV
0* T*->
Rupee*. on Total Rupee*. on Total Busses. Tr^
Import a Export*.
Per cent. Ter cent. 53
General MercLaadlte • 1,12,28.(K5 36 38.21 >'*5 11 1,50/0,130 a 10
Specie • • • C2,<>5,9'4 20 5.1C,802 2
Pearls • • » 1^4,83,500 44 1,00^0,000 87
Total 3,09,78^29 3..1?,58,007
or=£ 2,005,222 • •• 2^83,871
Iniyorte amou&t to 17 por cent of tie Total Trade.
Exports „ S3 m m m