Page 198 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 198
mainly owing to enlargement or Persian com- I Dates.
inanity by immigrnii n from disturbed provinces ! Doorcase due to smaller imirorts.
of South East Persia. Imports). («cc ^ .m
! Kick.
Tim her and Wood. 1
trnoted by other interests. The principal kinds
of timber imported are :— Jute.
u Amba ” (mango), u Jawi, ;» a Calicut wood/' I . Decrease die to decrease in imports cam*!
" teak ” and pine exiling boards. is said, by tightness of Indian market '
There is probably room for an enterprising;
Indian merchant The difficulties are the slow Metal, etc.
ness and risk of consignment by native boat, and Increase probably a reflection of general
the high freight by steamer. perity. P*.
Tobacco. (Kerosene). Decrease due to excess
Decrease due to stocks remaining on hand from taken last year by importing countries.
last year and concomitant low prices at commence- . (Other sorts). Increase due to growing
ment of the year. to Qatar of Mukalla Fish Oil for appli^tj.
Persian Cloaks (Abbas). boats. Pearls
Decrease due to stocks remaining on hand from
last year. Decrease from Persia due to state oz Increase over f in 10-11 of 160 lacs of
that country. j * ’ k 1911-12 of 190 lacs of ru>«.
Tersiax CARrcrs. Scc ronarfa above Part pan,Erart 4
Proportionately large decrease owing to distur- j
€-d state of Persia cutting off supply. SUGAR.
Increase dee to larger demand by Persia—;*,
Manufactures or Wood. sumably smuggled.
This consists of household furniture such r~ Tea.
a* i
tables, chairs, alinirahs, etc. Import is on private
orders. Furniture is not on sale in the bazar. j Increase due to larger demand by Persia, is:
j case of sugar.
Specie. Shells.
The decline in the last 3 years which have been : Decrease. (See notes on Imports).
commercially busy and not idle ones, denotes the !
growth of the use of Drafts Hundis and Indian i‘ Silk Raw and Manufactured, and emdeoi:-.
Dank Notes. The import from Austria rqiresents 1 I Cloth.
Maria Theresa Dollars. As these are now com- ; The figures are probably fairly normal. T.
j-aratirelv little current in Bahrain, they probably blank returns for last year may have U\n hr’
have been or will be exported to the Mainland the defective sources of information avai^-
provinces. j but this is by no means certain.
Miscellaneous. i
Tbe decrease is probably doe to more careful Spices.
classification and consequent decline under this The increase to Persia is on account of *•**’
and increase under other headings. pepper.
10. It is to be noted that there is a considerable Tobacco.
import from India of small articles of all descrip Large increase to above normal Last J*;
tions by Value Payable Post. As, however, Bills exports were exceptionally small, hence
of Lading for cargo are often sent to Bahrain by heavy export of this year.
Value Payable Post, and the sums realised are inclu-
ned in the Post Office Statistics, it is impossible to C a arms.
obtain reliable information regarding the value of Decrease dee to decrease of imports froffl
such miscellaneous articles imported by parcel post.
11. Notes on certain items in the Tables of due to internal state of that country.
Exports, Nos. VH and VIII (annexed).
Wearing Apfajlel.
Canvas and Sailcloth. Against decrease of ftl6,000 is to If
increase of Rs. 38,000 in export of Silk
(Latter partly of local manufacture).
Decrease due to decline of demand owing to (See notes on Imports).
exports of last year not having been absorbed.
Coffee. Decrease. (See notes on Imports).
Increase due to prosperity of neighbouring
The siiaue of various Country*
Increase due to large increase in demand from Trade of Bahrain. j;j
Persia into which conntry they are probably Tables Nos-
smuggled. 12. This is shown in