Page 197 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 197
Yarn and Twist.
lflO-ll of 75 lar*.
l ist y*r owing to stocks r?m lining InctfSiSC oxer • •!
1CO0-10 of 71 laca.
Sec remarks above Part 11, paragraph 3.
Coeoanw/r.—Increase due to Urge quantities
• is in last year due to increased direct having been brought by native boats from South
ptHrfni.r Turkish-Arabian ports. Decrease
ern India
Lry Lintet.—Decrease due to stocks remaining
from last year.
Is’nico. Ghee.—D -erase due to stocks remaining from
to more near the normal. Large last year. Tb? fluctuation of the supply from 1
Vecnase Kuwait, as appearing in the returns from 19(7 on,
j^ofUitywr were possibly erroneous. S
is jwculiar.
Fecit. Seeds.
D*rei^ei>crhlIHt;> fal1 in Price* *** UD“ Increase due to prosperity of season.
settled condition of Persia.
Decrease due to the success of the pearling. In
herein probably due to increi«e in coisump- go. d io.irl years the pearlers do not trouble to
aad in price of charcoal India is beginning collect the shells and pay attention to the popular
b-uidr firewood and Karachi might eventually belief that it is for the good of the banks to throw
»vure na^h of the Persian trade in this article tbc-m back. At the same time the price of -finch
if it paid t> mke shipments by native boats. shells as are collected goes up. The Euixpean
market is also said to have been dull. ExjJO.-ic-rs
Gold Thread.
lure to arrange contracts beforeband and give
India disappeared as a supplier. Germany in cash advances and often then have difficulty In
creas'd ter import and Austria-Hungary entered either obtaining shells or recovering '.heir
lie field. Tie last phenomenon may be due to advances.
greater efforts made this year in ascertaining the The chief exporters are Messrs. Rcb=rt
tjal voaulry of origin. Wc n-khaus &: Co., Messrs. Gray Paul & Co,
and a few native firms.
Grain* axd Pclsr.
Silk Piece-goods.
Vital.—Decrease owing to its being given up
in bvonrof rice in times of prosperity. Increase over average for 3 years due to jro*-
D-rcr?:ise of IS lakhs on last year, due to perily, replacing in part cotton apparel.
’rival of two large consignments in March of
J.wk'as tr.ul< y„-ar instead of in April of this, Spices.
khenrise the figures would have been the highest
s record. Here were said to be large stocks Decireise chiefly due to stocks of turmeric remain
cinaining oc band at the end of the year. ing.:n hand from last year. Black pepper 6hovs a
tead-ency to increase.
Hides axd Snxs. Sugar.
Decrease doe to dealers in Turkish Arabia dis- SGght increase over last year, figures for which
’an? direct of tbeir go>d&. Probably also to were a record. The import of sugar is steadily
•^r in figures for Last year.
rising owing to increased local demand and export
Jcte Manufacture A2TD Gunxt Bags. Loaf Sugar.—Is coming into favour. L^af
Decrease dae to excess import in last year. sugar of the value of H15,S40 was received
from Busbire. This was due to diversion owing
Metal and Metalware. to the insecurity of the routes leading to the in
terior of Persia.
General in
crease. Soft Sugar.—Only a slight decrease from figures
«>l tinware - docrrAM probabrj lac to of last rear. India supplies the bulk. Austrian
stricter ezela.t:«o of and Belgian imports have increased. Sugar fnm
** other aorta " from Egypt ar.d Hongkong has begun to appear on the
In* thc««.
*»<tuDerj * ] • Iorrcaafl. market.
. Lnereaae oonii^ti of The import from Persia (Bushire) is due to the
•eu ing machine a frwm same causes as in case of loaf sugar. In both
0,b« Sort, India and Germany. instances, the sugar was most probably of Euro
. Bm under “ Copper-
ware." pean origin.
E< An enormous increase on last, and still more cn
. Decrease dor to. rfoclta earlier, years. Supplies from India were supple
miiaining on band
^Sort. . from lut year. mented this year by a large consignment from
• Jturcav* due to moment Java. Large growth of export to Persia (pro
import of 1'iaa Oil bably chiefly a smuggling business) is the chief
fnnn Mnl alia.
cause of increase ; also growing Local consumptim