Page 195 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 195

                                      TABLE II.
                   fro'hr {ineluding Specie end Pear's) during the yce.rt  1003-09 to 1011-12.

                                            Yiluo of     Valoo of      Total
                       Year.                 i tu] oris.  oxi-orts.    Trade.

                                              R*.           Ri.          Rs.
                                              1,18,51,178   1,02.98,745   2,21,40,1*21
        I!'*0® •   '                          2,31,23,918   1,75,42,0 8
        I'.O'.iO •                            2,06,57,010   1,05,83,'329   4,62,403#
            *                                 3/*9,78,329  3,12,58,007   6,52,36,39*
        li-iMl •
             il Increase or deer eve in 1911-12 on last year   1G jer cent. incrcascVo per cent increase (4l per cent, increaw’ap-  ©fiacreaso or   decease in 1911-12 on the
        | mvo'*£J                                     Ill7          71
             of hat three year* .       . 39 „    r»                         ft
                                      TABLE III.
                         Total Imports during the gears 1003-09 to 1911-12.

                                     General                             Total
                  Year.                          Specie.     Pearls.  i
                                   Merchandise.                         Imports.
                                       Rs.        Rs.         Rs.        Rs.
                                 .1    7 4,4-4,176   23,07,010   21.0i1.C0O •   1,18,51,178
                                 .    1,13.72,040  1,07,51,903   83,00,000 ;   2,81,23,948
        l.vMl                    •!   1,31,04,0:0  75,77,90   59,75,(01 '   2,Or,,57,010
        ..11-12                  •;   1,12,2S, 855  62,65,964  1,31,83,540 —  3,09,78,329

        r-wrriage of-crease or decrease  in 1911-
         :i on :as: jnar .   .   .  _ .   .; !  —14 per cent.  —17 per cent.  125 per cent.  16 per cent.
        lc<vn age of r-ercisc or decrease in 1911- j
         11 on the average of last 3 year* .  -i- 5  r»  —9  rt  181    39  r%

                                      TABLE IV.
                         Total Exports during the years 1908-09 to 1911-12.

                                     General                             Total
                  Tear.                          Specie.     Pearls.
                                    Merchandise                         Exports.
                                       Rs.        Ba.         Rs.         Rs.
         IXGflB                        37,35,380   10,33,365   55,30,000
         1W-10                         39,93,118   25,58,950  1,02,98,745
         1910-11                                                          l,75,42.0o8
                                       29,52,123 I   27,03,200  1,95,83,329
                                       38,21,265 I  o,16,S02  3,42,58,067
                      dccrCM* ia 1®11-
         Ljomtaw of inirvase or decrease La 1911-   29 per cent.  —80 per cent.   115 pey cent.  75 per eent.
          Z 0n ,he »***€* of last 3 years .  6  —75  „      195
                                         91                     ft      117  ft
         r* ®*fcemelY prosperous character of the  arrival in the end of the preceding year of several
         Trad. ! n S** cvident. The value of the Total   consignments of rice which would rormally have
         * rftor*kat of last rear, itself probably   belonged to this year.
          The         M9,90,057 or 41 per cent.
         **4 f.t ;! ^ Imports and Exports are up,   In the Pearl Trade, in 1910-11 the exports
               k*!* °la*n divisions, only specie shows   exceeded the imports in value by H79 53 00(1
              f^nd<T 3j0tl1. ,ieadsi a matter of no sig-   in 1911>] 2 by 111,641,36,500, which certainly
         |r     *?.. P°>nt °I view of commercial  means a large net increase in Bahrain profits.
         U*e ttalle ** J* *° noted that there is a very   Tins is not reflected in the figures for General
         *«-! draft- °r °fTInoney Indian Currency Notes   Merchandise for the year, hut will probably show
         ■Njing. 0n Con»bay, which is apparently in-  its effect in next year's trade.
                                              3. It will be convenient to offer here  some more
         'iicli        Merchandise show a decline            detailed remarks about the
               ever*cun te explained by the premature  The Pca_-1 Trade.
                                                             Pearl trade during the rear.
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