Page 74 - Arabian Studies (I)
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60 Arabian Studies I
1. I am indebted to Professor Mahmud al-Ghul for a set of photographs of
this MS. which contains a much abridged version of the Bughyat al-fallalun.
2. Cf. Max Meyerhof, ‘Sur un traitc d’ agriculture compose par un Sultan
Yemenite du xivc sicclc’, Bulletin dc V Inst it ut d’ Egypte, Cairo, 1943, xxv,
55-63, 1944, xxvi, 51-65, and my ‘Agriculture and horticulture: some cultural
interchanges of the medieval Arabs and Europe’, Atti dei Convegni, 13,
Academia Nazionalc dei Lincci, Convegno Internazionale 9-15 Aprile 1969,
Orientc c Occidentc nel Medioevo: Filosofia c scicnzc, Roma, 1971, 535—41.
These articles will not be repeated here.
3. Cf. Ibn al-Daiba', Qurrat al-'uyun, SOAS (London) copy, 82b, ‘Ikhtasara
K. al-Jamharah ft ‘1-filahah*, but, just possibly, for filahah one should read
4. Meyerhof points out that ‘Umar b. Yusuf (al-Malik al-AshraQ is actually
the brother of ‘Abbas’s grandfather Dawud. He must be using jadd in the broad
sense of ancestor.
5. In the Glaser Collection at Vienna. 1 am indebted to Professor Walter
Dostal for advising me of the existence of this collection.
6. E. Griffmi, *1 manoscritti sudarabici di Milano’, Rivista d. studi orientali,
Roma, 1916-18, vii, 55, no. 282(c), fols. 139,140.
7. Dar al-Kutub al-Misr7yah, no. 155. I have re-foliated my Tarim transcrip
tion after the Cairo copy, though it appears to be complete whereas the latter is
not. The section translated infra is fols. 24b-35b.
8. J. M. Millas Vallicrosa y Mohamed Aziman (‘Azfman), Ibn Bassal: Libro
de agriculture, Tetuan, 1955, an abbreviation of the original treatise.
9. Al-TihamF al-Nasin al-Ja‘fan, K. fi 'l-filahah li-Abi ‘l-Khair al-AndalusT,
Fez, 1357 H.
10. The author also of the almanac I translated in my ‘Star calendars and an
almanac from South-West Arabia’, Anthropos, Posieux (Fribourg), 1954, xlix,
433—59. In this where ‘winnowing’ is mentioned ‘sowing’ should be read — the
words are identical.
11. Water rights and irrigation practice in Lahj, Cambridge, 1971, dealing
with customary and sharVah law. It has a good bibliography. A. Ben Shemesh,
Taxation in Islam, I, Leiden, 1958 and 1967; II, Leiden, 1965, presents
interesting data on early land tenure and agriculture, some being Yemenite, but
there are errors in rendering the Arabic.
12. An Egyptian (UAR) publication, The Revolution in three years, n.d., but
probably Cairo, 1965, claims to give an account of agricultural and irrigational
development during the occupation. Yemenis aver that development commenced
before that date and little was done after 1962 up to 1967.
13. Cf. Maktari, 51. Mohamed Said El Attar, Le sous-developpement
economique et social du Yemen, Alger, 1964, is utterly unreliable on land tenure
and social questions, but Muh. An‘am Ghalib, al-Yaman, Beirut, 1966, is far
more objective and informative.
14. Cf. my ‘Materials for South Arabian History’ \\,BSOAS, London, 1950,
xiii, iii, 591. A MS. of Ba Kathfr’s Idah al-'uhdah is now available to me.