Page 196 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 196

                                        CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT.

                          Report by Mr. G. W. R. Smith, The Director of Customs and Port Officer.
                      The revenue collected by the Customs Department from all sources, including boat licences,
                 exceeded last year's revenue by Rs. 6,50,726, and exceeded the amount which was anticipated in the
                 budget by Rs. 11,60.837.
                      The increased revenue was brought about by (a) Peak Prices being reached for most commod­
                 ities, (6) the steady arrival of quota goods from India, some of which were for 1362, and (c) the astonish­
                 ing success of the barter system, resulting in prolific imports of barter earning products.
                               1363: Actual Receipts, compared with Budget Estimates.
                              Budget Head.             Collections  Actual        Increase.
                                                         1363.    Collections.
                                                          Rs.          Rs.         Rs.
                 Customs and Import Yard                7,10,000     18,48,936   11.38.936
                 Diving and Craft Licenses                2,500        2.859         359
                 Miscellaneous including Rents           1.47.500    1.69.042      21.542
                                        Total            8,60,000   20,20,837    11,60,837
                                             Increase Rs. 11,60,837.

                                           Comparison of Differences.
                  Year.                                 Customs Increase. Pearling & Craft Licenses.
                                                              Rs.          Rs.
                  1362 ..                                   7,67,708       7,597 decrease.
                  1363                                     11,60,478        359 increase.

                                         Comparison of Actual Receipts.
                                                        Year 1362.  Year 1363.    Increase.
                                                          Rs.          Rs.          Rs.
                  Customs, Import Yard and Miscellaneous   13.67.708  20,17,978   6,50,270
                  Diving and Craft Licenses                2.403        2.859         456

                                                    Increase Rs. 6,50,726.

                                     Comparison of Customs Classified Receipts.
                                                        Year 1362. Year 1363.     Increase.
                                                           Rs.         Rs.           Rs.
                  A: Steamers                            6.44,624     9.68,155     3.23.531
                  B: Native Craft                        2.35.573     4.38.283     2,02,710
                  C: Parcels Post                                      78.465        4,728
 :                                                        73.737
                  D: Passengers Baggage                   25.993       44.356       18.363
 -                E: Exports                                 806         874           68
                  F: Direct Transhipments                  47.254      59.852       12.598
                  G: Import Yard                         1,82,120     2.59.045      76.925
                  H : Miscellaneous                        24.532      29.523        4.991
                   I: Rents                              1.33.069     1.39.425       6.356
                                                         13.67.708   20,17,978     6,50,270
                                                      Increase Rs. 6,50,270.
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