Page 201 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 201


           The summary of oil gauging data given in the tables below is for 1944 (European calendar),
       with reference to previous years.
                             OIL ROYALTY QUANTITIES 1944.
                                                     Proportion of
                            Crude Oil    Crude Oil                Quantity on
              Month.       imported from   from Bahrain   Bahrain Oil   which Royalty
                             Arabia.      Wells.     consumed in    is paid.
                               Tons.       Tons.         Tons.       Tons.
         January             61678-372    71175-808     7383-918    63791-890
         February            7i235-489    67490-650     5803-218    61687-432
         March               63313-871    82754-144     7343-570    75410-574
         April               60468-078    77706-839     7967-867    69738-972
         May                 72093-091    75504-754     7494-946    68009*- 808
         June                77537-307    68397-142     5788-054    62609-088
         July                72154-524    66194-941     6878-911    59316-030
         August              45867674     59663-321     6248-799    53414-522
         September           61445-701    82443-970     6584-503    75859 467
         October             90416-680    55123-906     5398879     49725-027
         November            125125-128   94174-361     8742-570    8543I-79I
         December            137443-211  102448-877     9028-255    93420-622

                 Totals     938779-126   903078-713    84663-490   818415-223
                         BAHRAIN AND ARABIAN CRUDE OIL 1944.
                                        Crude Oil from     Crude Oil imported
                   Month.               Bahrain Wells         from Arabia
                                     (Barrels per day, average). (Barrels per day, average).

        January                             I7.i8i              14.979
        February                            17,411               18.496
         March                              19,962               15.3S9
        April                               19.349               15.193
        May                                 18,171               17.526
        June                                16,787               19.473
        July                                15.898               17.538
        August                              14.334
        September                           20,490               15.418
         October                            13.212               21.954
         November                           23.434               3L397
         December                           24.758               33.358

         Average for the Year (barrels per day).  18,420         19.315
   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206