Page 472 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 472

                               Building Extensions.—Work completed for the Department by private contractors and
                          the P.W.D. consists of the raising ol the Power House Switchboard roof to give better ventilation.
                          The building of Main Offices and Power House annexe for new Generating Plant and its equipment.
                          The recovery of a plot of land East of the Power House and the building of the foundations for the
                          new Water Distillation Plant. Also two sub-stations for the electricity distribution system. A
                          further sub-station was built for the Department by the Muharraq Municipality. These new sub­
                          stations have replaced the metal Kiosk type which were not large enough to house the larger trans­
                          formers required for increased power distribution.

                                                    FUTURE PROSPECTS
                              (a) Additional Generating Plant.—Enquiries have been made for the supply of additional
                          generating plant either in one single unit or two separate units of capacities between 600 kW and
                          750 kW. This new plant is required to provide additional power and lighting demands and also
                          reserve  capacity to enable regular maintenance and repairs to be carried out without curtailment of
                               It is planned to provide not less than 1,400 kW within the next two years as follows:
                                      Now available (sets 4 and 5)      ..   506 kW.
                                      Due to arrive—March 1948 ..       ..   300 kW.
                                      To be ordered upon receipt of   ■■ ■■ i  600 kW.
                                      quotations (alternatively)  1         750 kW.
                              (b) Building Extensions.—
                                (1) An annexe  to the Blacksmith Shop will be provided to house a steel hardening muffle.
                                     This plant is urgently required to facilitate repairs and manufacture of tools and
                                     generating plant spare parts. It is also intended to move the electric welding plant
                                     from the Blacksmith shop to this new shop owing to congestion in the former.
                                    A prc-fabricated steel frame building will be erected  on a  prepared site to house the
                                     water distillation plant of 10 Ton/24 hours capacity.
                                (3)  When the requisite land has been purchased from a private owner, the building of a
                                     compound with servicing shed and ramps for heavy and medium M.T. vehicles
                                     will be commenced. This is a most urgent requirement as the present facilities
                                     are inadequate for the efficient repair and servicing of Government vehicles.
                                (4)  reaui^01^ SU^*station building to contain an increased capacity transformer is
                                     scheme ° COm^c*e ^le rearrangements of the Manama electricity distribution
                                            The requisite plot of land has been acquired for this purpose.
                               (c) General.—
                                (1) To provide economy in the use of artesian well water required for the generating plant
                                     cooling systems, it has become necessary to place an order for the supply of a water
                                     cooling tower. The estimate consumption of artesian well water during the next
                                     year will approximate 2,88,000 gallons per day and in the following year it will further
                                     increase after the installation of additional generating plant. The provision of a
                                     water tower and surface tank will enable the discharge water from the circulating
                                     pumps to be retained in constant circulation as opposed to being lost by discharge
                                     into the sea.
                                (*> The existing artesian well which supplies the water for the engine cooling systems
                                     requires the draw off capacity to be increased. The present pipe line of 3' dm*
                                     will be increased to 6'.
                                   When the Government water scheme is functioning the  use  of this well will be dis­
                                     continued but the necessity for the cooling tower will still exist.

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