Page 471 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 471
Wiring Contractors.—
(a) The wiring of houses and shops by local wiring contractors continued. The number
of points were 360 as compared with 533 during 1365. The number of premises
wired by contractors were as follows:—
(1) Mr. Yousuf Khalil Moayed jo premises
(2) Messrs. M. & A. Koohiji 6 f#
(3) Haji Salman Abdulla Zayani 26 „
(b) The Bahrain Petroleum Company wired the new house of the Company’s dentist in
Manamah for a connected load of 6.678 kW.
(c) The Muharraq Municipality wired four new Municipal houses in Muharraq.
(d) The Electricity Supply Department carried out the wiring of Government and certain
other premises as follows :—
For Power House No. 5 Generating Plant & lighting.
„ Government Hospital, five air conditioning units.
,, New Passport Office.
„ State Engineer’s new main offices.
,, New Passenger Shelter, Customs.
„ Transportation Section Office.
„ Government Workshop—Additional.
„ Women's Hospital—Muharraq.
,, One of H. H. Houses in Gudhaibia.
„ Education Department —all Schools—Additional.
—Hostel Warden’s house.
—Manamah New Primary School.
* t
—Manamah Secondary School.
9 9 If
, One Flour Mill, also minor additions to various other premises.
Financial Position.—After meeting all charges a loss of Rs. 2,411/12/10 was shown for
the year 1366.
Water Distillation Plant.—The State Engineer Department continued to operate the Naval
Base 20 ton plant throughout the year. This plant supplied 40 tons of water monthly to ships of the
Royal Navy serving in the Persian Gulf, and also the requirements of the Government Power House
and other Establishments, Hospitals, B.O.A.C., R.A.F., Residency, Agency and private residents.
Work is in hand for the installation of one 10 ton Distillation Plant at the Power House site.
This plant has recently arrived from England, and when it is brought into service the use of the Naval
Base Plant will be discontinued.
Progress is slow owing to the shortage of skilled staff and other commitments on the existing
power plant.
Electricity Charges.—Electricity charges remained as for the previous year excepting in
the cases of B.O.A.C., Cable & Wireless and the Government Hospital who were all on unfavourable
bulk rates which resulted in a financial loss. The amended charges became operative on the follow
ing dates:—
B.O.A.C. 1 11 66
Cable & Wireless 1 11 66
Government Hospital 1 8 66
It is not possible at present to consider any general reduction to flat rate consumers as the !
enforced retention of old plant will continue until new generating plant becomes available and generat
ing costs have been further reduced by the employment of the water distillation plant recently received
from England.