Page 246 - The Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia
P. 246
'V. Whiteley 27/10/64’; whilst the 40NP bears a MS note “Reverse
white out of blue (upper inscription) and brown (lower inscription -
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Both arc marked “Drawing produced by Contractor in error - not
used”; which rather terse comment hides the real reason for their
rejection - that Shaikh Shakhbut was ‘not amused’ to sec one of his
subjects portrayed!
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The issued designs were, nevertheless, adapted from the original
drawings, the hawk and falconer’s wrist being extracted. The ‘Persian
Gulf Approved Essays’ volume in the National Postal Museum contains
Harrison’s final Essays: the 20NP was approved without further
change. The 40NP was approved “subject to:
(1) “Shading” effect at bottom being removed.
(2) Lighter blue background below forearm being made the same
shade as the rest of the background.
(3) Lettering and figures at bottom being in white
- and the Rs2 was approved “subject to the value in bottom
right-hand corner being made clearer.