Page 252 - The Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia
P. 252

nor that with the “20” error), which seems strange in view of the fact
        that, from Rl/3 and R2/2 onwards, the 30f. shows all the same defects
        in the bars as the other three values. Possibly, the bars on R1 /1 —2 and
        R2/1 were replaced after three values had been printed and before work      m
        started on the 30f.

           i r.T5s#.i!                    n S- - " o'                               £ :

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           i      ‘ SUP*      %Sg3;            .
           :                                            Rows 1/1 and 2/1.
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           j 5Fils v-w o :1 5Fils       \ 5Fils ^ 0
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                                         : 5Fils ^ 0
           i -325S                                                                  $
             Some of the main recognisable defects constant on all four values
         (and also on 30f. sheets with the “20” error) are:-                        P
         Rl/4 Top bar ragged on top and broken towards the right.
         Rl/9 Bottom bar has a nick underneath at the right.
         R2/2 Third bar down ragged on top.                                        ft
         R2/5 Second bar down ragged on top and nicked on top at right and left.
         R3/3 Top bar has semi-circular nick underneath at centre (illustrated)
         R3/6 Second bar down is ragged on top and is nicked at left.
         R7/3 Top bar has a nick on top at the left.                               K
         R7/10 Third bar down has a nick underneath at left.                       m
         R10/7 Second bar down is short at left.


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