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'what do I stand to gain a er my studies in this
school?'I will a empt to answer this ques on in
two perspec ves.
First, you will obtain Diploma in Theology and
Ministry signed and delivered from the USA which
will place you in a good posi on to pursue any
ministerial or theological degree course at home or
abroad. This diploma gives you na onal and
interna onal recogni on and makes you preach
and teach with confidence na onally and
interna onally, you could also be amongst the two
to be selected for recommenda on for scholarship
in FITS New Jersey USA for studies. This diploma is
also a requirement for you to do a two years
bachelor's degree program with Rhema Fits Bible
School Cameroon.
Second and most important is that before the end
of these nine months, God will give you a Rhema
word just for you to enter an en re new life in the
remaining part of your life, ministry and career. I
believe that every recovery begins with a discovery
but every discovery begins from a revela on which
can only come from an encounter of God's revealed
word 'Rhema word of God', the 'rhema for 'A' is not
the 'rhema for 'B'. I also believe that inside every
doctor there is a hospital, inside every nurse there is
a clinic, inside every true pastor there is a church
and every called minister is pregnant with a
REV. DR. AWUNG COLUMBUS FUNDONG ministry and that can only be safely brought out
through the revealed word “Rhema word of God”.
I consider the next nine months of your live to be a
FROM THE DIRECTOR'S DESK labor room to go in and deliver what is inside you.
Thank God that He has prepared and sent an
experienced trained team of midwives to help you
My dear friend, Sir, Madam,
deliver what you are carrying, and what took them
This is to inform you that you have been admi ed many years, cos ng them thousands of dollars in
into RHEMA Fits Bible School Cameroon following many different countries to deliver what they carry
your recommenda on and passion as indicated in has been brought right here for you at almost no
your applica on form, you are therefore welcome to cost for nine months.
Rhema a place that takes people from where they are
I am also aware that it might have been a big
to where they should be using the word of God. challenge for you to make this decision but one
thing I know is that every pregnant woman enters
I am personally so excited about the next nine months
that we shall be together and on behalf of the Rhema into the labor room with labor pains but comes
Bible Team, I say congratula ons for deciding to a end out with a smile, because something new has
Rhema Fits Bible School Cameroon. I assure you that you been birth. Prepare yourself to get a 'rhema'
will find out at the end that this is one of the most word that will bring out what you have been
important decisions you ever made in your en re caring in your spiritual womb all these years.
Chris an life. Let me say that, this school has been
designed to meet up the needs of lay Chris ans wan ng
to grow in the word not just in church doctrine, of church Summarily, you will get two things, a diploma
workers wan ng to be er their services in their local signed and delivered from USA and a Rhema word
churches, of those who are doub ng whether or not
they are called and want to find out their calling, of signed and delivered from Heaven, if I were you, I
called ministers who are not yet established, of those will go first for that 'rhema' word before going for
who are called and are already established but want to the diploma. Congratula ons once more because
get some more deeper revela on especially in the Greek your address is about to change, from where you
and Hebrew and even for career people who just want to are, to where you should be, through the “Rhema
get the word of God for personal living. So in whatever
category you fall, the school is a package with your Word of God”. God bless you and see you in
name on it. . I am aware that the first ques on in the class!!!
mind of every prospec ve student is