Page 6 - rhema magazine.cdr
P. 6

THE LECTURERS OF RHEMA                             REV. LIOMBE TIMOTHY
         TO TEACH YOU AND WHAT COURSE HE/SHE COULD BE TEACHING                           Rev. Liombe is a master's
                                                                                         degree holder from the
                                                                                         famous Tindel University
          (Manchester  UK  But  Now  In Cameroon)                                        of  Holland, a lecturer in
                                                                                         Bap st seminary Kumba
                                An Interna onal Bible Teacher
                                (Greek and Hebrew analyst)                               and a specialist in Bible
                                and evangelist, has travelled                            languages of Greek and
                                to over 21 na ons of the                                 Hebrew. It is a great
                                world. He is a doctorate         privilege to have him as a diploma and degree
                                degree holder. More than 10      lecturer in Rhema Fits Bible School Cameroon
                                years experience he is  a bible   DR.  THEMIS KOULOURIS
                                teacher,  He is a graduate                               He is from Thessalonica,
                                from the following; RHEMA                                has two doctorates Dr. of
         Bible school  Greece Chapter,   Assemblies of God,  ICI
         theological University of Athens Greece, Key Stone                              Theology and of Ministry
         Disciple Ins tute, South Dakota  USA, Sonshine Bible                            from CLU University of
         College and FITS New Jersey USA and  an author of more                          Buffalo New York, has
         than seven books.                                                               ministered to more than
                                                                                         30 countries in all
         He is president of the Board of Directors, lecturer and
                                                                                         con nents; He will be
         coordinator of Rhema Fits Bible school  Cameroon
                                                                                         flying in just to teach you.
                                                                 He is the senior pastor of Church Of Chris ans Of
         (FGM CAMEROON)                                          Greece. He is a teaching staff of the Rhema FITS Bible
                                One of the na on's leading
                                                                 school both degree and diploma. He came to
                                voices, He will be teaching
                                you. He is holder of a bachelor   Cameron taught the pioneer batch of Rhema Fits
                                                                 Bible school Cameroon
                                degree from W. A. S. T Lome
                                                                 REV  MBOWANG JOHN
                                Togo, presently following up     (THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN CAMEROON,) Master's Degree in
                                his Masters in discipleship and                          Missions from the W. A. T.
                                many refresher courses in the
                                USA. He is a district supervisor                         S. Nigeria. 17 years of
                                                                                         experience as a Bible
                                in Full Gospel Mission
                                Cameroon.                                                lecturer in the Apostolic
         Vice  president of the Board of Directors and  lecturer in                      Seminary Kumba. Many
         degree and diploma in Rhema fits Bible school                                    refresher Courses in the
                                                                                         USA. He will be teaching

         DR MANGA WILLIAMS                                                               you. He is a district
         (FGM CAMEROON)                                          supervisor and the director of missions and
                                Dr Manga Williams earned his
                                Degrees from Zion University     Evangelism in The Apostolic Church Cameroon. He is a
                                USA, Hebron Bible College        lecturer in degree and diploma in Rhema Fits Bible
                                Manchester UK and from           school Cameroon
                                many other ins tu ons. He is     REV. MBU ARREY
                                                                 (FULL GOSPEL MISSION)
                                the Director of Home Missions                            He is seasoned teacher with
                                in the Full Gospel Mission                               an inside of God's word. He
                                Cameroon; he is a fellow of IIC                          will be teaching you. He
                                Management                                               holds a bachelor of Theology
         Florida USA. With a more than thirty five years'                                 from W. A .S .T. Lome, Togo.
         experience in Ministry, it's a blessing to have Dr. Manga                       He is also a district
         as a lecturer in the degree and diploma in Rhema Fits                           supervisor of the Full Gospel
         Bible schools Cameroon.                                                         Mission Cameroon and an
                                                                                         honored personality as national
                                                                 youth supervisor. He is a member of the board of
                                                                 directors and a lecturer  in degree and diploma  in
                                                                 Rhema Fits Bible  School Cameroon
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