Page 7 - rhema magazine.cdr
P. 7

REV.  MARK SUMBONG                                      Rev AJONG VERONICA
          (CAMEROON)                                              (CAMEROON)
                                REV Mark is a season bible
                                teacher with many years                                  From higher Ecole Normal
                                experience; he is a graduate                             superior Cameroon also
                                from the all na on bible                                 holds a Diploma in
                                school in Nigeria and is                                 theology and a Church
                                con nuing further studies                                planter, English lecturers
                                with Rhema Fits Bible school.                            for years. She is a lecturer
                                He has been a teacher with                               in Rhema Fits Bible
                                Rhema Fits Bible school since
         from the second batch of diploma, he is a senior pastor
                                                                 MADAM COMFORT ESAME
         with the Full Gospel Mission
                                                                 (CAMEROON)              She holds a bachelor's

         Rev. ECHI TANYI                                                                 degree in Management
                                                                                         and also a Higher Diploma
                                Holder of a bachelor Degree
                                IN THEOLOGY, a lecturer in                               in theology from Rhema
                                Many Bible Schools and also a                            Fits Bible School.
                                                                                         She is the Manager and
                                lecturer in Rhema Fits Bible
                                                                                         registrar of the school and
                                                                                         also a lecturer to the
                                                                                         Diploma class of RHEMA
                                                                 REV CHARLES FONGIAM
                                                                 (CAMEROON)              Rev Fongiam is a Master
         (CAMEROON BAPTIST CONVENTION CAMEROON)                                          degree holder in theology
                                Long  me academic dean of                                and a long Time lecturer in
                                studies and lecturer in the                              FBI Bamenda and the
                                Cameroon Bap st Seminary                                 degree program in
                                Kumba. He will be teaching                               Balmayo he is also a senior
                                you. He hold a Bachelor                                  pastor with the Full Gospel
                                Degree in Theology, Expert in                            Mission. He is a lecturer in
                                Homile cs and Hermeneu cs                                RHEMA Fits and will be
                                .He is the senior pastor of                              lecturer
                                Macedonia Bap st Church
                                                                 REV OMAROU SELENKE
         Molyko-Buea. He is academic dean of studies and a
         member of the board of directors as well as a lecturer
                                                                                         He is a degree Holder in
         in Rhema Fits Bible  School Cameroon
                                                                                         theology and a long  me
         LADY REV EMMAH ISONGHELEN                                                       lecturer in FBI Bamenda,
         (NIGERIA)                                                                       one of the best Bible
                                REV EMMAH ISONG HELEN                                    teachers in Cameroon. He
                                (lady magistrate) from
                                                                                         will be lecturing you in
                                Nigeria is the wife of Bishop
                                                                                         Rhema Fits Bible School
                                (Dr.) Emma Isong founder and
                                leader Chris an CCI Nigeria
                                one of the fastest growing       THESE AND MANY OTHERS WHO WILL BE
                                churches with a 25,000           COMOMG FROM TIME TO TIME TO TEACH
                                sea ng capacity. Mrs Lady        YOU
                                Helen holds a master's
         degree, and is a magistrate in the Nigerian Government
         and is a graduate of Fits Bible School New Jersey USA
         and she goes regularly to America, Europe and England
         Just to teach the word of God. It is a privilege to have
         her as a lecturer in Rhema Fits Bible School Cameroon.
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