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Director Rhema Fits Bible School Cameroon
Rev. Prof. Columbus Awung Fondong
B.A in Theology and Biblical Studies (Athens Greece)
M.A in Theology and Ministry (Athens Greece)
Doctorate in divinity (south Dakota USA)
Rhema Faith interna onal Special Bible School of
Ministry (Rhema Fits Bible School) is an independent
interdenomina onal and non-denomina onal Bible
school for all denomina on, all age group, all level of
educa onal background and all races with only one
requirement, the thirst to be a be er person in your
ministry, your career, your home, your local church and
your society. Rhema Fits Bible School is associated with
Rhema Bible Ins tute Tulsa USA and Faith
Interna onal training School (FITS) New Jersey USA as
well as Next Dimension University Los Angeles USA.
Rhema Bible School Cameroon is designed to offer
Theology and Ministry at the cer ficate level for six
months, diploma level for nine months and degree level
for two years, all of which are signed and delivered
from USA. Our specialty lies in the indebt considera on
of the Greek and Hebrew interpreta on of the word of