Page 19 - 08 MODUL SMP BING KLS 9 KD. 3.1-3.6 & 4.1- 4.6 (1)
P. 19
Mohamad Hasan Munadi, S. Pd (SMP N 1 Wanaraja/SWANS)
Iin Fitriani, S. Pd, M. Pd (SMP N 2 Bayongbong/DUBAY)
Taken from:Bahasa Inggris; Think Globally Act LocallySMP/MTs Kelas 9. Kemendikbud RI 2018. Jakarta.
No. Fact
Stalles’s Bakery Kraton Tea
1 Brand of product Stalle’s Bakery Kraton Tea
2 Name of product Bread Tea
Wheatgerm Bread Net weight 60 ml
3 Content/Amount
Medium Sliced 800 g
4 Description Not available For the perfect cup of tea
Wheatflour,water, Not available
wheatgerm (11%), yeast,
salt, wheat protein,
vinegar, fermented wheat
flour, barley flour, soya
5 Ingredients flour, emulsifi er: E472e
(made from vegetable
oils), vegetable fat, barley
fibre, flour treatment
agent: ascorbic acid
(vitamin C)
- Use 1 bag per cup
- Pour fresh bubbling
6 Direction to use Not available water over tea bag.
- Steep for 3 to 5 minutes
and remove tea bag
7 Direction to store Not available Not available
Best before ( no date
8 Expiration date Use by 19 October 2013
2. Summary (Rangkuman)
Label is an information in the outer packaging of a drug, food or drink product. The
function of label is to give a detailed information about a product. (Label adalah informasi
dalam kemasan luar produk obat, makanan atau minuman. Fungsi label adalah untuk
memberikan informasi terperinci tentang suatu produk)
At least, there are 7 important item on a label.
(Sedikitnya, ada 7 hal penting dalam sebuah label):
1. Name and brand of a product (nama dan merk produk)
2. Description of the produck (deskripsi tentang produk),
3. Conten (isi),
4. Use of the drug /ingredient of a food and drink (penggunaan obat/ komposisi
makanan dan minuman)
5. Direction to use, serve, cook (cara pemakaian, penggunaan, memasak, penyajian)