Page 20 - 08 MODUL SMP BING KLS 9 KD. 3.1-3.6 & 4.1- 4.6 (1)
P. 20
Mohamad Hasan Munadi, S. Pd (SMP N 1 Wanaraja/SWANS)
Iin Fitriani, S. Pd, M. Pd (SMP N 2 Bayongbong/DUBAY)
6. Direction to store (cara menyimpan)
7. Expiration date or best before ... ( tanggal kadaluarsa)
3. Task (Tagihan)
g. Read the labels below and answer the following questions!
1. What is the brand of product?
2. Why do we need to read the text?
3. How many calories can we get if we consume the product?
4. What should we do before we use the product?
5. Mention some ingredients of the product?
6. How many litter extra virgin olive oil does the product contain?
h. Use the model to complete the information about these labels.