Page 23 - 08 MODUL SMP BING KLS 9 KD. 3.1-3.6 & 4.1- 4.6 (1)
P. 23
Mohamad Hasan Munadi, S. Pd (SMP N 1 Wanaraja/SWANS)
Iin Fitriani, S. Pd, M. Pd (SMP N 2 Bayongbong/DUBAY)
4. Students Answer Sheet (Lembar Kerja Siswa)
e. Study this label attentively and complete the information about these labels using the
table provided.
Taken from:Bahasa Inggris; Think Globally Act LocallySMP/MTs Kelas 9. Kemendikbud RI 2018. Jakarta.
No. Fact Statements
1 Brand of product
2 Name of product
3 Content/Amount
4 Description
5 Ingredients
6 Direction to use
7 Direction to store
8 Expiration date