Page 4 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
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Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’

             Appendix 1 - ADFAS Organisational Structure (2020) ............................... 26       ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
             Appendix 2 – ADFAS Lecture Circuits and Societies (2020) ..................... 26

             Figure 1. The ADFAS Planning Pyramid ........................................................ 7   ▪   Participants at in-house Strategic Plan Workshop 7-8 January 2020.
                                                                                         ▪    The ADFAS Strategic Planning Sub-committee members.
             Table 1. Membership Trends 2013-2019 ....................................................... 9   ▪   Carolyn Quinn of C. Quinn Consultancy Pty Ltd (NSW) for pro bono
             Table 2. Lectures arranged by Societies ...................................................... 11   advice in preparing for ADFAS planning, and for use of her strategic
             Table 3. Lecturers Utilised ............................................................................ 11   planning template (as she used in Varuna the National Writers’ House
             Table 4. Patronage at ADFAS Events (Lectures etc.) .................................. 11   Strategic  Plan).  Deliverables:  First  draft  outline  Strategic  Plan  (Jan.
             Table 5. Q: Did ADFAS Membership Provided Good Value (in 2019)? ....... 11       2020).
             Table 6. Q: Would You Recommend ADFAS? ............................................. 12
             Table 7. Association Income and Expenditure Trend................................... 12   ▪   The National Treasurer, Felicity Mauger who supplied extensive raw
             Table 8. Priority Actions, Success Indicators, Strategies, Resources and         data covering memberships and finances, and which data have been
             Time Frame .................................................................................................. 18   utilised by Peter Farr for the ‘baseline’ graphs and tables contained in
             Table 9. Preliminary Strategic Plan Budget .................................................. 24   Section 5.7.
                                                                                         ▪    National  Secretary,  Peter  Windeyer  who  supplied  the  list  used  in
             Graph 1. Growth in No. of Societies 2013 – 2019 .......................................... 9   Section 2.1.1 Achievements from the Towards 2010 Objectives
             Graph 2. No. of Societies by State/Territory (2020) ....................................... 9
             Graph 3. 2019 Membership % of Total by State/Territory .............................. 9   ▪   Peter  Farr  (Management  Consultant,  and  Hon.  Treasurer,  ADFAS
             Graph 4. Societies Membership Histogram (July 2019) ............................... 10   Perth, WA) pro bono services. Deliverables: (i) and (ii) Expanded and
             Graph 5. Penetration of Societies by State/Territory (2019) ........................ 10   reformatted second (March 2020, pre-COVID-19) and third (Sept. 2020,
             Graph 6. Penetration of membership by State/Territory (2019) ................... 10   post COVID-19) draft Strategic Plans, (iii) Presenter of online Strategic
             Graph 7. Change in Members per Society from 2013 to 2019 ..................... 11   Planning  Workshop  for  the  Executive  Committee  (Sept.  2020),  (iv)
             Graph 8. Association Expenditure FY 2018 ................................................. 12   Post-workshop updates to Table 8 (Oct. 2020.
             Graph 9. Societies' Profit/Loss in FY 2019 ................................................... 13   ▪   Jane Smith (ADFAS Workshop Coordinator and MSC Liaison)  – for
             Graph 10. Histogram for Net Profit/Loss of Societies in 2019 FY ................ 13   coordination and logistics support in 2020.
             Graph 11. Histogram of Assets and Liabilities (Equity) (end FY 2019) ........ 13   ▪   Susan Drummond, National Chairman, Association of ADFAS Inc. –
                                                                                              for driving the Plan forward from mid-2020.
             Document Metadata:
                                                                                         ▪    Executive Committee (Zoom) Workshop participants, 22 Sept. 2020.
             Revision Save Date:    10/11/2020 5:45:00 PM                                ▪    ADFAS Rebranding Working Party members (Oct. 2020).
             File details/Title:    Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026,
                                    Version 2.05 (PFarr, 23Oct2020)
                                    27 pages, 8072 words                                 Disclaimer
             Author:                Peter Farr, Hon. Treasurer ADFAS Perth, and Chairman,   The information contained in this document is based on material and sources
                                    Peter Farr Consultants Australasia Pty Ltd           believed to be correct as at the specified Revision Save Date.
             Vers.                  2.05
             Document Status:       Approved by Executive Committee (Oct. 2020)          The listing of an organisation in this publication does not imply any form of

                                                                                         endorsement by the Association of Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Societies
                                   Email:                             Inc. of the competency, products or services provided by that organisation.
                                                                                         Similarly, links to websites do not constitute endorsement of material on those
                                                               websites, or any associated organisation, product or service.

             Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Version 2.05 (PFarr, 23Oct2020)                                                                3
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